
Prison Board | News |

BROOKVILLE – Four correctional officers from the Jefferson County Jail are participating in crisis intervention training (CIT) at Penn State DuBois.

Deputy Warden Brandon Schott said one officer from each shift will attend the 40-hour training, which will take place once a week for five weeks.

“We've been doing this for 10 years, and we always try to send four officers,” he said. “It's training to help inmates who are going through a crisis, whether it's something that happens outside or inside the prison. Whatever it is, it equips the officers to better handle those situations and deescalate the situation. Anytime we can calm the inmate down and get them to relax, that's better for everyone.”

Director Dustin Myers said the CIT training is “a really good program that is very helpful. I have never heard anyone who has gone through it say anything negative about it; it is fantastic training.”

Probation officers and officers from the Brookville and Punxsutawney police departments also participated in the training.

Schott also said the COVID problem at the prison “has run its course and all (inmates) on work release are back at work.”

Prison report

At the beginning and end of July, the prison had 106 inmates, 81 men and 25 women. Four of the men are housed outside the Jefferson County Jail.

The monthly report shows that as of August 1, 41 inmates have been sentenced, 65 are awaiting trial or a hearing, 25 have been approved for the work release program, and 23 inmates have violated their parole.

RIP report

Reports on the interim penalty (IP) and the restrictive interim penalty (RIP) were also approved.

In July, 183 people were on medium-term probation, including 95 cases of drunk driving and 88 cases of other crimes. 24 of them were under electronic monitoring.

During the month, five people successfully completed their interim sentence and two people had their IP revoked.

A total of 265 drug tests were conducted, with four clients testing positive.

The RIP report for July lists 56 people, nine for drunk driving and 47 for other crimes. Eleven of them are under electronic monitoring.

Two clients have successfully completed the program. 122 drug tests were conducted, four of which were positive.

The next regular meeting of the Jefferson County Jail Inspection/Intermediate Punishment Board will be held on Tuesday, September 24th at 11 a.m. in the large conference room on Jefferson Place.