
Was she transferred to another prison?

Julie Chrisley is scheduled to appear in court for resentencing on Wednesday, September 25, and fans believe she may already be in transit or have been transferred to another prison.

The discovery comes from a user on the ChrisleyKnowsPrison Reddit forum, who shared a screenshot from the BOP: Federal Bureau of Prisons website showing that Julie is no longer in BOP custody. The post, which includes Julie's name, age, and current release date (07/05/2028), lists her whereabouts as “Not in BOP Custody.”

Julie is serving a seven-year federal prison sentence at FMC Lexington after she and her husband Todd Chrisley were convicted of bank fraud and tax evasion in 2022.

In June, however, an appeals court granted Julie's appeal after a three-judge panel found there was insufficient evidence to prove Julie was involved in her husband's bank fraud from the beginning in 2006. Todd's conviction was upheld and he will continue his 10-year sentence at Camp Pensacola federal prison.

Julie had previously requested via Zoom call to attend her upcoming resentencing hearing, but the judge denied her request, so she must appear in person at an Atlanta court.

The reality star's attorney, Alex Little, said the “BOP would likely transfer her through the transfer facility in Oklahoma City or put her in a van for a long, several-hour drive while keeping her handcuffed to facilitate her court appearance.”

Since Julie is not in BOP custody, her fans assume that she is already on her way to her upcoming court date.

“This should mean she is on her way to another facility. Since she is only on minimum security, there are a few different ways the transfer could happen for her court date in GA,” wrote one Reddit user.

“She is most definitely on her way to her court hearing. She will be in a county jail somewhere near her court,” another added. “Even if she was released to house arrest, she still shows up as being in BOP custody. It only lists the RRM area. That's the region that oversees the ankle bracelets and sets the rules.”

“This means she is in U.S. Marshals custody,” said one commenter. “This designation also means she will be released from custody to a halfway house.”

Others wondered if she was transferred to the Fulton County Jail in Atlanta while she awaits her court date.

“If she's being held in the Fulton County Jail she's in for a shock. Total shithole,” one commenter wrote.

“This prison is on the local news at least once a week. It needs to be torn down!” said another, while one user added: “She'll never get over this.”

When one user asked why Julie would be moved so early, another commenter responded, “She's one of many in the system that just get moved. It takes several days to get in, so she could be in Fulton Co or another lower tier prison a week before the updates.”