
What happened at Comerica Park?

It wasn't the scene anyone expected during Green Day's celebratory concert at Detroit's Comerica Park on Wednesday night: Band members were frantically waved off the stage mid-song, leading to a quiet, unsettling ten-minute pause in the rock festivities.

The interruption was later explained by the Detroit Police Department. An unauthorized drone was spotted above the crowd of more than 30,000 people and Green Day was removed for safety reasons. The suspected drone pilot was arrested by police and an initial investigation has been launched, the police department said.

So what happened at the Green Day concert? And what shouldn't have happened?

No drone zone?Where they are allowed to fly and where they are not allowed to fly after one of them disrupted a concert in Detroit

Police declined to provide any updates on the incident on Thursday, instead referring to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), which has taken over the investigation. The FAA did not respond to a request for comment.

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Meanwhile, a tweet posted on Green Day's official X account during Wednesday's concert was deleted sometime on Thursday. The message apologized for the show's delay and continued, “Stadium security instructed us to vacate the stage while they dealt with a potential safety issue. DPD quickly resolved the situation and we were able to continue.”