
Almost 13 million people live in Ceará

The Ceará Registry was registered with 13 million people incarcerated in penitentiaries and detention centers, second demographic census 2022, published on September 21 (06/09), by the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). This means that 19 million people live in domestic violence, 12.8 million of them in prisons, representing a rate of 66% of this group.

More than 100,000 inhabitants were composted by them, a total of 12.2 million people, representing 64.9% of the inhabitants of the United States. More than 1.1%, with 214 internal. A predominant factory between 30 and 39 years old, loss of 4.3 million people. Among them are also 197 adolescents, children and young people, a total of 1% and 187 children 0.95% of the inhabitants.

Almost 13 million people live in Ceará
Photo: Disclosure/Governo do Ceará

According to the Secretaria de Administração Penitenciária e Ressocialização (SAP), the Ceará penitentiary system included 30 units that had a detention capacity of 17,618 pounds. In fact, the cancer population currently stands at 22,086 people, an increase of more than 25% over the total capacity of the installations.

Abrigos and Institutes of Long Permanence

Residents also include private individuals, including other categories such as hotels, hotels, offices and republican assistants. Our Asilos and Instituições de Longa Permanência para Idosos (ILPIs), for example, have about two million people, or they represent a total of 10.75%. Meanwhile, it is a group of people with more than 80 years of age, with 889 residents, more than 666 residents and 223 residents.

Confirm the data:

  • Asilos or ILPs: 2,091
  • Hotel or guesthouse: 1,243
  • Accommodation: 294
  • Penalty or imprisonment: 12,840
  • Abrigo, hostel or temporary house for the population in Rua:125
  • Abrigo, temporary house or republican auxiliary for other vulnerable groups: 402
  • Psychological clinic or therapeutic community: 289
  • Orphan: 352
  • International unit for men: 304
  • Quarter: 3
  • Total number of residential units: 1,511

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