
Romantic comedy with Andrew Garfield and Florence Pugh

The idea of ​​looking at a marriage in a non-linear way over a longer period of time is not new. For me, the absolute high point of this idea is still the wonderfully sophisticated comedy by director Stanley Donen and writer Fredric Raphael from 1967. Two for the road, in which Audrey Hepburn and Albert Finney go back and forth over the course of their 12-year marriage. The film was way ahead of its time, not only in terms of the idea, but also in terms of the editing technique. An absolute classic that did not receive the recognition it deserved at the time.

The latest in this subgenre is We Live In Time, the romantic comedy by director John Crowley (Boy A, Brooklyn) and author Nick Payne, who tries to document the ten-year relationship and marriage between Almut (Florence Pugh) and Tobias (Andrew Garfield). The style is not as complicated as Two for the roadbut what it undeniably has in common is a clear chemistry between its leads. If we didn't believe that these two are meant for each other, despite clear differences in their personalities, the whole soufflé would fall apart. It doesn't, but the fact that Crowley is in charge should guarantee that it won't be.

Payne's script jumps back and forth in time, using three different time periods. One lasts several years (their marriage), one six months (her diagnosis of ovarian cancer) and one is just one very memorable day when Almut gave birth to her daughter in a supermarket bathroom, hilariously calling a couple of employees for help. Time is also a central theme, especially for this couple who meet in their thirties (they literally collide) and are both a little over-formed and stuck in their ways, but again, the attraction works like a magnet. It was meant to be that way.

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Unlike the small moments of a marriage, as they are in Two for the road, This film is great with the aforementioned scene of the baby's birth and the devastating cancer diagnosis that leads to Almut's head being shaved by her husband and young daughter. Both are life-changing moments that are given a lot of time here. And time, as fleeting as it may be, but why these two cling to it and to life is a key element. They are always fighting against time in one way or another and to stay together no matter what fate has in store for them. Life is important to both of them, but Almut knows she has precious time to leave lasting memories for her daughter.

For nearly two hours, our heads are spinning as the filmmakers show us the full story of this union. It's a whirlwind. Tobias is a bit uptight, quiet, and after a recent divorce, knows pretty much who he is and what he wants. Almut is the exact opposite, a fiercely independent woman who isn't even sure if she wants kids, which almost torpedoes this relationship when Tobias declares that he does want them. She doesn't shut the door, she says, she just doesn't want to commit. It's not long before we fast-forward to scenes of childbirth and her life with her young daughter, but then it cuts back to the beginning of this relationship, to some hot sex scenes, and some of the funniest scenes happen when Tobias is suddenly hit by a car – guess who? Almut's personal quest to win a restaurant cooking competition is another side issue we touch on frequently in this film.

In Payne's astutely written script, we piece together the pieces presented to us by the two of them and get a strong picture of them that wouldn't be possible in a more linear structure. I felt a connection to both of them and was rooting for them, especially because we know early on (and this is not a spoiler alert) that Almut's days may be numbered.

None of this works, of course, without the right cast and Garfield, who played with Crowley 16 years ago in Boy A, and Pugh, who can apparently do almost anything anything, couldn't be more appealing and believable. We don't want death to part them, but we also have to accept what Almut wants not for herself, but for her daughter. Will time take that away from her too? I wish We had more time with both in this slim but worthy addition to the romantic comedy genre, or perhaps I should say rom-dram-com because there are also some strong dramatic scenes from this marriage.

Producers are Guy Heeley, Adam Ackland and Leah Clarke.

Title: We live in time
Festival: Toronto (special presentations)
Distributor: A24
Release date: October 11, 2024 (limited)
Director: John Crowley
Screenwriter: Nick Payne
Pour: Andrew Garfield, Florence Pugh, Heather Cranney, Matt Kennard, Sam Kennard, Laura Guest
Evaluation: R
Duration: 1 hour 48 minutes