
One woman's 6-month 'glow-up' transformation goes viral – here's how she did it

At the beginning of 2024, Lydia Myers set a goal to transform her mind and body within six months, and the results have completely stunned the internet.

Before Myers, 27, tackled her New Year's resolution, she lacked self-esteem and felt insecure, so January 1 seemed like the perfect opportunity for a change. She told Newsweek that she really wanted to make her hair, skincare and health a priority and six months seemed like “plenty of time to see a difference.”

In January, she recorded a video of herself to show what she looked like before, and on August 1, she recorded another clip to show off the incredible results on TikTok (@lydianoellemyers). The video immediately went viral, and has been viewed over 953,600 times and has 95,200 likes to date.

Needless to say, Myers' transformation left many social media users speechless, and even she herself was surprised at how much she had changed.

Lydia Myers, 27, pictured in January 2024 (left) and August (right). Myers has made many lifestyle changes and focused on inner healing to truly be the best she can be…

@lydianoellemyers / TikTok

“What happened in those six months actually made me change a lot more than I could have imagined,” Myers said. “It affected me more than my original idea of ​​clearing my skin or growing my hair.”

Many will be desperate to know what Mississippi native Myers did to achieve such a drastic new look. Of course, she made many diet and regimen changes, but her transformation went much further. After all, beauty is more than skin deep.

“I consciously drank collagen to benefit my hair, skin and nails. I worked really hard to develop my perfect morning and night skincare routine. I continued to drink 10 ounces of water a day and took biotin vitamins regularly,” she said.

“I started going to the gym regularly, cooking more meals at home and prioritizing sleep – which is vital, especially for us moms. I started journaling. I focused heavily on mindfulness, self-awareness and reflection to identify where I really needed to thrive.”

“The light comes from within”

Over the past six months, Myers' skin has improved significantly, her hair has grown faster, and she continues to lose weight.

Not only does she look different, but she feels much better inside too. She walks with confidence and, perhaps most importantly, she feels at peace. But it's not over yet, as Myers hopes to stick with her new regimen and make sure this new version of herself is here for good.

“The inner work will never stop. Now that I know what it feels like to go through life as a healed person, I never want to go back to the insecurity I felt before,” she said Newsweek.

“Many people have complimented me on my glow, but I don't think I could have achieved that just by using skincare. Glow comes from within. Through self-reflection, journaling and therapy, I learned about some deep wounds that were never healed. When I started to heal that, the real change happened.”

Lydia Myers before and after
Lydia Myers, 27, of Mississippi before and after her six-month transformation. Myers had a New Year's resolution to improve her well-being, but even she was surprised by the results.

@lydianoellemyers / TikTok

“Creating real, lasting change”

When it comes to improving our health, there are “no quick fixes,” says mindset and wellbeing expert Sonia Jhas. The key is to be consistent with any changes we make, whether it’s skincare, diet or exercise routine.

The speaker, educator and author says that six months is enough to notice a change in oneself, as long as a person is committed and acts with genuine intention.

“Six months is enough time to establish new habits, change your perception and create the conditions for lasting change,” said Jhas Newsweek. “By making a commitment to yourself, you're laying the foundation for a life that feels more coherent, authentic, and fulfilling. Reaching the six-month mark won't feel like a finish line; it will be proof that you're making real, lasting change.”

Myers may not be recognizable at all now—largely due to the collagen supplements, new diet and new sleep schedule—but it is also the result of her inner healing.

Jhas explains that mental and physical wellbeing are closely linked, and that healing from within can have “a ripple effect of wellbeing.” They can also balance each other out, so when we're doing well in one area, it can strengthen the other.

“A calm and balanced mind allows you to be more in tune with your body's needs. Stress can disrupt this balance, leading to hormonal imbalances, sleep disorders, and skin blemishes. By cultivating your mental space, you create an environment where both your mind and body can thrive,” Jhas continued.

“Prioritizing mental health lays the foundation for making choices that respect and support your body, like eating nutritious food, staying active, and taking care of yourself.”

The social media reaction

At first, Myers thought it would be fun to document her six-month transformation on social media, although she never expected it to garner so much attention. She is incredibly grateful for all the support she has received, and she encourages others to put themselves first, too.

Myers continued, “I've received an outpouring of love and encouragement on social media. It's really empowering to know that the change is evident.”

“I am a single mother and my little daughter deserves to see her mother taking care of herself. You can't pour anything from an empty cup, so as mothers we must not stop taking care of ourselves. Try to find that small percentage for yourself, find things that give you confidence.”

Although her new look has received a lot of praise on social media, Myers adds that many of the superficial changes are just “icing on the cake.” What she's most pleased about is the work she's done to change on the inside.

“If you can heal yourself internally, everything else becomes a hobby rather than a necessity,” she says.

With over 650 comments on her TikTok post, the internet was full of praise for the 27-year-old. One comment read: “The glow of mental health!”

Another person replied: “Girl, you look like a totally different person!”

While another TikToker joked: “I refuse to believe this is the same person.”

IIs there a health issue you're concerned about? Let us know at [email protected]. We can ask experts for advice and your story could appear in Newsweek.