
Stan Lee loved a fact about Doctor Doom that even Jonathan Majors as Kang could never replicate: It makes us worry about Robert Downey Jr.'s version.

Doctor Doom has long been one of the most famous characters in the Marvel Universe, and rightly so: the unique way he was curated surpasses pretty much all other villains. Even the character's writer and editor, Stan Lee, couldn't help but express how much he loves this particular villain for all of his traits that set him apart from everyone else.

Doctor Doom in the comics. | Credits: Marvel Comics.

Of all the unusual abilities he's been given, there's one trait that even Lee Doom loved so much: his diplomatic immunity. But as special as that power is—and not even Jonathan Majors could have duplicated it as Kang—it presents a troubling factor for Robert Downey Jr.'s version of the multiversal threat.

Stan Lee liked Doctor Doom because of his diplomatic …