
“I mean nothing [Them]!” – The Ashley's Reality Review

“If you think this will stop me, you haven't been paying attention.”

Catelynn Lowell took to social media on Monday to reveal how bad her relationship is with the adoptive parents of her biological daughter Carly. Brandon And Teresa Davishas become.

In a rant posted on Instagram Stories, the Ta mom Star revealed that Carly's mother, Teresa, “blocked” her, apparently because Catelynn was sending Carly too many updates and text messages.

Catelynn, who together with her husband Tyler Baltierra gave Carly up for adoption immediately after her birth in 2009 – claiming it was unfair of Teresa to exclude her from Carly’s life.

“Adoption is crazy,” Cate wrote. “I'm blocked just for sending updates and pictures of her sisters…how is that fair to Carly and her siblings? This is sad for sure…But it makes me sad for the kids…As a birth mother you have no say…no control…all I can do is show Carly in the future how hard I tried and continue to do so…she can decide for herself who excludes who.”

Catelynn has spoken out against Brandon and Teresa several times in recent months, including recently when she defended her decision to go public with the issues she has with Carly's parents. During that rant, Catelynn claimed she was posting things publicly because “Carly will be there to see our side one day.”

In May, both Catelynn and Tyler spoke about their frustration after learning that they would not be able to visit Carly this year because their parents did not approve.

Cate told her followers on Monday that she was “literally ignored for months” and then – presumably recently – blocked by Carly's parents.

To support her claims, Cate posted a screenshot of several text messages she allegedly sent to Teresa between July 1 and September 8, with no response.

These texts consisted of photos, videos and news from her family as well as messages to Carly. According to messages posted by Catelynn, updates sometimes occurred as often as every two days.

Cate later commented on the situation again in the text message video, emphasizing that she gave Brandon and Teresa one of the “greatest gifts ever” when she placed Carly with them. She also stressed that she “will not let them take that away from them [her] Agree.”

“…I'm posting this so Carly will hopefully see it and realize that I've always tried,” she wrote.

Catelynn added that she is hurt that she feels Brandon and Teresa do not care about her and are only hanging out with her so that she will give them Carly.

“Knowing that I mean nothing to the people [adoptive parents] “I'm sorry, but just the fact that I can give a child a womb hurts my heart… I am a human being with feelings and the children I parent have feelings… Carly has feelings…” she wrote.

“A child who is around other people who only love and support him,” she continued. “What's threatening about that? I'll never understand it…”

Cate accused Brandon and Teresa of feeling “scared/threatened” because Carly was asking questions about whether they could see Cate and Tyler more often. She also accused Brandon and Teresa of keeping her, Tyler, and their children away from Carly. (Tyler and Cate have three other daughters – Nova, Vaeda and Rya – who have accompanied Carly on previous visits.)

“…I will ALWAYS support Carly loving her parents!” Cate insisted. “They love her and raised her! But the fact that they keep us and Carly's siblings at a distance doesn't help Carly…anyone who knows as an adopted child would know that.”

Cate's latest outburst received a lot of feedback on social media, with some “Teen Mom” ​​fans calling her actions “a bit self-centered.” Some even suggested that Brandon and Teresa might not tell Carly the news about Cate to prevent Carly from getting hurt.

“ … Ever thought about it [Carly] “Is she feeling left out? Because you and your girls do all these fun things that she will never get to experience with you,” one fan commented on Cate's last post. “… Maybe sending pictures of how much fun you guys are having could hurt a teenager who doesn't understand why she wasn't with her birth mom. Maybe she'll get a different perspective on how everything affects her and her family.”

Another person claimed that Cate's behavior – particularly her decision to make the conflict with Carly's parents public – was a form of “emotional abuse and harassment.”

“The mere fact that you posted on social media that they 'blocked' you is why you SHOULD BE blocked,” the person added, calling Cate's behavior “disgraceful.”

“…but maybe they're on to something.”

Of course, Cate also had a message for those who accused her of “attacking” Carly's parents. She told her followers that she was just sharing her feelings and not “calling them out.” [Brandon and Teresa] some hurtful names or something.”

“…as birth parents, we are taught to just take what we are given and that we should feel 'lucky,' but when things go wrong, we need to shut up and be quiet,” she wrote. “OK, I'm done for today.”

Tyler has not yet commented on Catelynn's latest posts.

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(Photos: MTV; Instagram)