
It is possible that Bolivia will travel from eliminatories to Chile

Chile received the national stadium similar to Bolivia and duelled with two rival directors in the final for the hope of the 2026 World Cup.

This Monday, The Roja had its early- and late-season practical session, during the last hour, on the high, under the supervision of technician Óscar Villegas.

La Verde celebrated a revitalizing 4-0 victory against Venezuela in El Altomore than four million meters away, resulted in the person having the opportunity to fill the table with the Criollo combination.

For this reason, the strategy cannot come into contact with three players acting as titles Wine: Héctor Cuellar and Ramiro Vaca for suspension, and Henry Vaca for lesión.

Observe this situation, the player prepares for everyone to change as soon as he is located, which is perceived as extremely defensive, and pays attention to the performance Villegas, I was under the impression that your equipment was designed to keep the bow at zero.

El possibly once from Bolivia to Chile

Carlos Lamp; Diego Medina, Luis Haquin, Jose Sagredo, Marcelo Suárez; Roberto Carlos Fernández, Pablo Vaca, Gabriel Villamil, Robson Matheus, Miguel Terceros; and Carmelo Algaranaz.

Villegas: “Vinimos de hacer un gran partido e intentaremos mantener la intensidad”

The selector Óscar Villegas was aware that he wanted to pamper his students during the second week before putting the focus on the Choque with the combination of wine.

“The Chicos are ready to accept the compromise that they have to make with this selection. They have a different role than those who play against Venezuela; as we respect the natives, we must be content with representation in our visits and other elections.” partió señalando el stratego.

Respecto al choque with the Roja, the adiestrador de la Verde señaló que “When we respected our rivals, in this case in Chile, we knew we had an opponent and the rival to answer our rivals.

From one part to another and pointed out that the DT youth in El Alto passed “We had a great party and we intended to maintain the intensity and balance with good football. We wanted to get a good result ahead of Chile.”

ATON Chile