
MTG's praise for this January 6 rioter is insane – even for her

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene on Monday praised a Jan. 6 rioter who entered the Capitol through a broken window and drank a few whiskeys in Rep. Nancy Pelosi's office.

Greene chaired a hearing on her report, “Unusually Cruel: A Continuing Investigation into the Treatment of Political Prisoners at J6,” and one of the witnesses was Trennis Evans, sentenced of knowingly entering and remaining in a restricted building on January 6, 2021; he is serving a 20-day jail sentence.

Greene asked Evans about his crimes and he replied, “The government was kind enough to grant me a stay in a federal prison for protesting.” Greene followed up by asking, “Did you burn down the Capitol on January 6th?” while holding up a picture of burning buildings allegedly from one of the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests.

Evans denied this and said he would have fared better if he had been an Antifa protester. He claimed that such a person was convicted the same day as him and only received a suspended sentence. Greene then asked Evans if he had attacked anyone on January 6.

“Just the fabric of democracy, I hear,” Evans replied jokingly, which made Greene giggle.

“God bless you for your humor. Thank you,” Greene said.

It is not surprising that Greene would appreciate a joke about the attack on democracy, given how she feels about the Capitol insurrection. Almost two years ago noticed If she had organized the riots with Steve Bannon, “we would have won. Not to mention it would have been armed.” Greene also seems to not know the difference between a peaceful protest and an insurrection. At one point, she attacked a sit-in outside a House of Representatives building supporting a ceasefire in Gaza as “revolt.”

However, praising a rioter is the same as praising someone whose goal was to overturn a US election and attacking the people whose job it was to certify the results. Greene would likely say something very different if left-wing protesters had tried to overturn a Republican election with violence, and would probably not laugh at threats to “the fabric of democracy.”