
Sole survivor of plane crash in Bryan enjoys life after tragedy

BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) – Four years have passed since a plane crash at Coulter Field claimed the lives of David and Tamara Walker and their 21-year-old daughter Victoria. Victoria's boyfriend Luke Armstrong was the only survivor of the crash and his recovery was nothing short of miraculous.

David and Tamara Walker and their 21-year-old daughter Victoria lost their lives in the plane crash.

“The last thing I remember is getting on the plane and waking up a few months later and not remembering anything,” Armstrong said.

Dr. Valentina Neufeld, one of Luke's doctors at the Centre of Neuro Skills in Dallas, could hardly believe his progress.

“Yes, it is a miracle,” said Dr. Neufeld.

Luke suffered a severe traumatic brain injury that affected his vision, problem-solving, and planning skills.

Luke Armstrong recovers at the Centre Of Neuro Skills in Dallas, Texas.
Luke Armstrong recovers at the Centre Of Neuro Skills in Dallas, Texas.

“My memory for the first few weeks was seconds,” Armstrong said.

Dr. Neufeld says she was surprised to see progress in the first two weeks and a full recovery within a year.

“Honestly, I think it would have taken a lot longer if he hadn't been so determined and worked so hard,” Dr. Neufeld said.

While his quick recovery stunned doctors, Luke says it was the support of those around him that made the biggest difference.

Friends, family and community members celebrate Luke Armstrong's return from the hospital.
Friends, family and community members celebrate Luke Armstrong's return from the hospital.

“Doctors, nurses, therapists and first responders were just doing their jobs. You know, on the worst day of my life and every day since then, they took care of me and helped me get back on my feet,” Armstrong said.

Luke has worked hard to get his life back on track after the tragedy. He got married after the accident and is now expecting a baby girl in November.

Luke and his wife on their wedding day.
Luke and his wife on their wedding day.

“The next step is just living the life that I worked so hard for for a while in therapy. And now it's here and it's time to live it,” Armstrong said.

However, the family he loved will always have a place in his heart.

“I always think of Victoria, David and Tammy and always look back when I think of them and cherish the good times and the fun memories,” Armstrong said.

Investigators believe that the plane's engine failed shortly after takeoff, causing the plane to crash.

After making a full recovery, Luke graduated from Texas A&M with a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering and is now a Project Manager at MIINC LP in Dallas, Texas.