
Resident shares videos accusing 20-year-old Florida mayor of drinking alcohol and using foul language

Edgewater Mayor Diezel DePew, already under scrutiny for alleged underage drinking, appears in new videos holding a can of Arizona Hard Green Tea, rapping the lyrics to the Hydracoque and Nigpro song “N****s in My Butthole” and screaming, “I need alcohol!”

The videos were posted online by Edgewater resident Anthony Kianvar, who spoke during two public comment periods at Monday's City Council meeting chaired by DePew, the city's 20-year-old government leader.

Who is Diezel DePew?20-year-old mayor of Edgewater charged with drinking and racial slur

Kianvar said he received the videos directly from the person who shot them, but declined to name the videographer. Kianvar said allegations that the videos were “deepfakes” or AI-generated were untrue.

This image is from a video posted by an Edgewater resident who says it shows Mayor Diezel DePew rapping a racist slur while holding a can of Arizona Hard Green Tea. DePew is 20 years old.

In a comment, Kianvar said the mayor remains on a “path of substance abuse” that would significantly degrade his quality of life and that while driving drunk he could potentially “wrap himself around a tree or collide with another vehicle or kill another motorist.”

“Now that your life in public service is falling apart around you, you have the opportunity to get help. Go to rehab. Stop drinking,” he said. “Start taking care of yourself and hopefully one day you'll have what it takes to be a useful member of society, but that day is not today.”

DePew, who did not respond to a text message seeking comment Tuesday morning, also did not address Kianvar's allegations during the meeting.

Edgewater resident Anthony Kianvar spoke during Monday's Edgewater City Council meeting, where he claimed the mayor, 20-year-old Diezel DePew, was filmed drinking and using a racial slur.

A local resident, Chuck Martin, defended the mayor and challenged Kianvar – who had raised his concerns about DePew at three consecutive monthly meetings – to a fight in the parking lot.

“I don't know why this is happening, but I'm going to sit here, eat my Slim Jim and drink my Diet Coke and say this: I supported the mayor. I've known him since he was a boy, 10 years old,” Martin said. “… If anybody's upset about the mayor and the job he's doing, take it out on me. We'll meet outside. You get the first punch and I'm not going to press charges.”