
When egos clash: A look at the Tyreek Hill traffic stop incident

For some reason, traffic stops reveal the tensions between authority and power dynamics in America, and the recent incident involving NFL star Tyreek Hill is no exception. What should have been a routine stop for speeding and not wearing a seatbelt turned into another know-it-all. And like many police encounters in the public eye, the situation quickly escalated into something bigger.

Setting the tone: Tyreek’s misstep

Hill's attitude was combative from the start. When he told the officer, “Just give me my ticket, bro,” Hill displayed a dismissive attitude that smacks of entitlement. It's the kind of attitude that suggests he expected to be treated differently, perhaps better, because of his status as a professional athlete. Whether he meant it or not, by rolling up his car window during the stop, Hill only added fuel to the fire. Hill later explained that he had been trying to avoid attention from passersby, but the message the officers received was likely, “I don't have to follow your rules.”

In a country already grappling with deep divides between law enforcement and communities, Hill's approach, whether intentional or not, invited confrontation. We've seen this dynamic before: Celebrities expecting a free pass, forgetting that the badge on the officer's chest doesn't care who you are. Still, Hill's initial reluctance to fully cooperate didn't justify what followed.

The attacks: police escalation

While Hill may have misspoken in tone, the police made an even more dangerous error in their actions. Instead of deescalating the situation or exercising patience, officers quickly pulled out the hammer of justice and used physical force. There's no denying that, in the face of traffic violations, dragging someone out of their car, throwing them to the ground, and kneeing them in the back seems excessive. Yes, Tyreek wasn't immediately cooperative. Yes, he could have handled things differently. But when did not letting a window go down become a reason to use physical force? Tyreek's behavior was childish at best, but the officer's conduct was not only unprofessional, but unreasonable.

When the officer said, “Do what we tell you or we'll break the window,” he wasn't just trying to compel obedience, he was also trying to assert his authority. And in a world where the power of the state and the freedom of the people are constantly clashing, it's hard to ignore how often citizens are on the losing side of that equation.

Two mistakes, one ugly result

There's enough blame for everyone. Tyreek Hill handled the situation the worst and his behavior definitely added to the tension. And while Tyreek's behavior was in poor taste, the police response was disproportionate and, frankly, unnecessary. There's a fine line between maintaining order and enforcing authority, and far too often we see that line crossed.

What is particularly disturbing is how easily such situations can spiral out of control. The cop could have simply written a ticket and Hill could have driven on. Instead, we were presented with a scene: a black man lying face down on the asphalt, a sports star being arrested in front of his teammates, and a country once again reminded of the fragile line between obedience and resistance.

The elephant in the room

It's no secret that Tyreek Hill's experiences resonate with countless black men in America. His teammate Jevon Holland put it bluntly: “Excessive force against a black man – that's not unusual.” When I hear that, I can't help but wonder: Would the cops have taken Hill down just as quickly if he wasn't a black man in a fancy car? I'm not saying the outcome would have been different, but the question remains.

Hill is black, and social media is a hot topic of discussion about police treatment of black men. If Hill had been concerned about his safety during that traffic stop, he wouldn't have acted so self-righteous.

A few months ago, I was stopped by a police officer on my way to Wasilla. As the officer approached my window, I held my hands up, palms facing the officer, so the officer could see them. I had the documents that are always requested ready to hand, as I always put them in my visor when driving. I do this because traffic stops are dangerous for everyone involved, and I don't want to open a bag, glove box, center console, or anything else during the stop. I do this because I've learned in my life to be cautious in these situations. I don't know the officer, and he doesn't know me. Any of us could be having a bad day. I follow every reasonable and/or legal instruction. What I don't do is try to get the officer to deescalate the situation. It's not that I don't think the officer should know how to do this, but I don't know if the officer will, so I'm not taking any chances.

Based on Tyreek's behavior that I saw in the video released by police, I do not believe this was a racial issue. Tyreek was displaying an attitude of entitlement and the officer's ego could not handle someone disrespecting “his authority.” Frankly, the officer needs to be disciplined or maybe even fired. It is obvious that his badge is way too heavy for him to carry.

This situation was caused by two pretty big egos.

The question we should all be asking is: How do we solve this problem? Because at the end of the day, this incident reflects a larger societal problem. It's not just about Tyreek Hill or the Miami-Dade Police Department. It's about the fact that in moments like these, the power dynamics on both sides collide – and no one comes out unscathed.

Terre Gales is an Air Force veteran and former Police officer in Arizona. He has worked for the municipality of Anchorage and the state of Alaska. In 2018, he was chairman of the group Dunleavy for Alaska. He lives in Wasilla with his wife and four children.