
Crazy funeral stories go viral on Reddit

People are, once again, cooking on Reddit with some truly insane stories.

As OutKick readers know, I love diving down a fun Reddit rabbit hole. It’s one of my favorite things to do because you simply never know what you’re going to find.

One moment, you might find something uplifting. Other moments might revolve around horrors like cheating and death.

That latter option is why we’re here today.

Funeral stories go viral on Reddit.

A viral Reddit thread titled “What is the worst thing someone has said or done at a funeral?” is blowing up, and the stories are mind-boggling. There’s simply no other way to put it.

Go ahead and take a seat before diving into this one. Check out some of the wildest responses below, and let me know what you think at [email protected]:

  • A friend of my father gets really anxious in funerals. One time he wanted to wish a widow good health for her and her children, but instead he shook her hand and said: “I wish this for your kids”.
  • My grandpa’s funeral in the early 2000’s my brother accidentally left on his ringer and during a prayer all you hear is “You’ve got mother f*cking mail Beyotch!” The family has yet to let him live that down.
  • The worst I’ve ever seen? My stepbrother gave the eulogy at his Dads funeral. And stood up in front of the entire church and talked about how much his dad loved….. no kidding…. Littering. How he’d throw out bags of fast food garbage for “criminals to clean up” I’ve heard of pouring one out for the homies but never tossing out your bk whopper wrapper to commemorate Stepdad Dave. My family is really bizarre.
  • My mom died at an early age. She married a douche bag with 2 kids. At her funeral that I wasn’t invited to help plan, the dude giving the eulogy forgot my name. I’m her only son. That guy can f*ck off.
  • Probably what I said when I was 7 at my Grandpa’s funeral. I thought I was saying my Grandpa had died but my Grandma and other 2 Grand parents were still alive. “One down three to go”
  • My niece lost a 6 month old. At the funeral, they were passing the baby around so people could hold it. !!! Weird Af !!!
  • At my mother’s viewing, the retired pastor from my parents church told us that he once was scheduled to officiate a burial but he received a call early in the morning to cancel because there was a fight at the funeral home the night before and most of the family was still in jail.
  • My mother died unexpectedly at age 47. I was 21. We’d had a difficult relationship but I loved her. My therapist at the time came up to me in the receiving line, hugged me, and said that I must be so relieved. My mom had a lot of problems. It would turn out many years later that I was relieved in some small way. But for God’s sake, maybe don’t try to comfort someone with that kind of sentiment when they’ve been visibly bawling next to their mother’s casket.
  • My dad passed and my uncle asked at the service if he could have my dad’s exercise equipment.
  • I went to the funeral for a young child that died. People kept basically telling the father that god killed his daughter for a reason that we just don’t understand. One too many said it and he snapped. He had to be pulled off the guy by a group of people.
  • My cousin relapsed, shot heroin, and died at 25. His dealer had the balls to show up. There was a fight in the parking lot between the dealer and my cousin’s friends. In hindsight we should have let them kill the dealer.
  • During a military funeral, one of the casket bearers slipped and fell partially in the hole. The casket was dropped and it busted his kneecap. Really f*cked him up. It had rained earlier in the morning and the ground was muddy and wet. I was one of the riflemen. We didn’t budge.
  • I once saw the best friend of the deceased “pop the question” to the grieving widow at the damn viewing before. Dude got rocked by her dad outside. It was like a movie!
  • Unfortunately, I had a cousin who passed away at 9yrs old. I don’t know who the guy was, friend of my uncle or something? Anyways, he goes up to my grieving aunt and uncle and says, ” It’s not like you can’t have another one.”
  • At a funeral of an innocent man who was shot when in the wrong place wrong time, the pastor chastised friends and family at the funeral saying “maybe we deserve this for letting violence happen in our community.”
  • At my stepfather’s funeral, my MIL grabbed my daughter’s belly (who was already upset and distraught) and said “what is this” insinuating she was fat.

Seriously, what is wrong with some people? What the hell is wrong with people out there? These stories are absolutely insane.

Do people understand that we live in a society with norms? There are rules about how we behave, and there is probably no place where the rules of civilized behavior apply more than at a funeral. This is a very serious event.

Someone died, people are grieving and should respect that fact. Obviously not everyone got that, because the stories above are wild.

Propose at a funeral? Show up as the drug dealer who sold the lethal dose? What the hell is wrong with people?

Fortunately, I have not had a bad funeral experience comparable to the experiences listed above. At a family member's funeral about ten years ago, a man told me that his daughter liked me a lot, but I think he meant it more like, “She likes your work.” That was the only time I ever raised an eyebrow. Other than that, I have nothing. Have you had a wild funeral experience? Let me know at [email protected].