
Akums Drugs and Pharma secures patent for new drug to treat sickle cell anemia

Delhi-based pharmaceutical company Akums Drugs and Pharmaceuticals on Friday announced that it has been granted a patent for a room temperature stable oral suspension of hydroxyurea developed for the treatment of sickle cell disease (SCD).

This new formulation represents a breakthrough as it does not require refrigeration, unlike conventional hydroxyurea solutions (500 mg), making it easier to store and distribute, particularly in areas with limited access to cold storage, such as tribal areas in India.

Sickle cell anemia is a genetic blood disorder that causes serious health problems such as anemia and frequent episodes of pain and affects millions of people worldwide, particularly in India and Africa.

According to the 2011 census, 8.6% of India’s population belongs to tribal communities, many of whom are disproportionately affected by SCD.

Sanjeev Jain, Managing Director of Akums, said the patented formula will greatly benefit sickle cell patients in India and Africa. He stressed the company's commitment to affordable healthcare solutions and reducing dependence on imported medicines.

According to the 2011 census, 8.6% of India's population belongs to tribal communities, many of whom are disproportionately affected by sickle cell anemia.

“We are constantly striving to develop affordable orphan drugs and reduce dependence on imported drugs. This way, we can ensure the safety of patients from rare diseases through timely and necessary treatment,” said Sanjeev Jain.

The new hydroxyurea suspension offers flexible dosing based on body weight and is therefore particularly beneficial for children and adolescents.

In addition, it will be available at a fraction of the cost of imported alternatives.


In sickle cell anemia, a person's red blood cells become “sickle-shaped” due to a genetic condition. Because of this, the blood cells cannot bend or flow easily through the body.

To treat it, doctors prescribe medications and other treatment options that must be used lifelong to relieve symptoms. Most treatment options include pain medications, blood transfusions to treat anemia and prevent strokes, hydroxyurea, and sometimes bone marrow or stem cell transplants.

Published by:

Daphne Clarence

Published on:

13 September 2024