
The Legend Of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom ROM allegedly leaked

Later this month, Zelda will finally get a starring role in her own franchise with Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom. However, it appears that someone leaked the Echoes of Wisdom ROM weeks before the game's scheduled release, meaning there may already be spoilers for the game circulating online.

Via Eurogamer, YouTube channel Nintendo Prime has reported that the Echoes of Wisdom ROM leak is real. However, the channel refuses to share footage from the Echoes of Wisdom ROM, citing the potential consequences if they chose to do so. The Zelda Lore account on X has also confirmed that the leak is real, noting that it is playable on emulators.

The vast majority of Switch owners will likely buy the game rather than play the leaked ROM. But as Zelda Lore suggests, the real fear of Zelda fans is that the story will be spoiled before dedicated gamers get their hands on the game. Just because Nintendo Prime has shown restraint in releasing clips and footage from the leak doesn't mean every YouTube channel will follow suit. It's almost inevitable that it will show up on YouTube no matter how many cease and desist letters Nintendo files.

Likewise, videos and spoilers are likely to be posted on X, TikTok, Instagram, Threads, and other social media platforms. The only way to prevent this is to mute all keywords related to the Zelda series. This is not a foolproof solution, as some spoilers may still slip through. But this is the best option available for any gamers who want to stay on their favorite social media platforms ahead of the game's release.

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom will be released for Switch on September 26th, once again disrupting the official, ever-changing Zelda timeline, as both Switch games now appear to be set in their own continuity.