
Woman arrested after August car crash that killed two local teens | News

NORTH CHARLESTON – A woman accused of driving into another car at 100 mph, killing two 17-year-olds, has been arrested on two counts of negligent homicide.

According to spokesman Harve Jacobs, North Charleston Police Department traffic officers issued arrest warrants for 29-year-old Ashner Nelson after she was released from the hospital on September 13.

On Aug. 8, teenagers Joseph DaSilva and Samuel Oliveira were traveling in a car turning left from Club Course Drive onto Patriot Boulevard when a vehicle running a red light slammed into their driver's door at 100 mph, according to the traffic accident report.

The posted speed limit for Patriot Boulevard was 40 miles per hour.

Upon impact, the teens' car spun and collided with another car that was legally crossing the intersection. The Dorchester County Coroner pronounced DaSilva and Oliveira dead at the scene of the accident at 12:12 a.m. on August 9.

Because Nelson had already been in the hospital for a month, officials waited to make the arrest, Jacobs said.

Nelson is currently being held at the Dorchester County Detention Center awaiting bail hearings.