
Amber Portwood denies allegations that she murdered her ex-fiancé Gary Wayt

Amber Portwood shares her truth.

After Teenage mother then fiancée of the star Gary Wayt was reported missing in June and found less than a week later, she revealed the emotional toll the incident and the conspiracies surrounding it had taken on her mental health.

“That day, that man left for no reason,” Portwood sobbed in the parking lot of her psychiatrist's office in the season finale of Teen Mom: The Next Chapter September 12. “Why am I being followed? 'We know Amber killed him.' I had to deal with that. Do you know how that feels? When people call you a murderer because of your damn fiancé?”

“He doesn't know what he did,” she continued. “They called me a murderer and said I fucking killed him.”

The 34-year-old, who has a daughter Leah15, with Ex Gary Shirleyand son James5, with Ex Andrew Glennon– noticed all the overlapping emotions she was experiencing.