
Wilmington man pleads guilty to second-degree murder in 2022 confrontation

WILMINGTON, NC (WECT) – Rony Sanchez, 31, of Wilmington recently pleaded guilty to charges including first-degree murder and was sentenced to 23 to 28 years in prison.

Sanchez pleaded guilty to first-degree murder, discharging a firearm into an inhabited dwelling, assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill, burglary with the purpose of terrorizing/injuring, and assault on a government official.

The charges stem from an altercation on October 9, 2022, when he shot and killed 29-year-old Luis Alonso Ramirez Rodriguez.

“Sanchez became enraged after Luis refused to continue drinking alcohol with him. Sanchez retrieved a firearm and fired several shots at Luis and his friend as they attempted to flee into the street from a small gathering at 346 Williamson Drive in Wilmington. Luis was critically injured and later succumbed to his injuries at the hospital. Sanchez's shots struck not only Luis but also an occupied home down the street, causing property damage. Sanchez fled the scene and forcibly entered another home nearby, where Wilmington police officers arrested him shortly after the shooting. Sanchez was impaired by alcohol and other substances at the time of his arrest,” a press release said.

“Today's verdict reflects our community's determination to hold violent offenders accountable and ensure our streets are safe from reckless acts like those committed by Mr. Sanchez,” said District Attorney Rebecca Zimmer Donaldson. “No one should have to live in fear of senseless violence, and our thoughts are with the family of Luis Alonso Ramirez Rodriguez as they continue to struggle with the loss of their loved one. We will remain resolute in pursuing justice for victims and holding those who harm others accountable for their actions.”

“We will continue to target individuals involved in violent crimes and will aggressively pursue law enforcement. I am proud of the continued work of our women and men, as well as the partnerships we have with other agencies. We take the opportunity to serve and protect our community very seriously and will stop at nothing to do our part to ensure our citizens have a safe place to live and work,” said Chief Williams of the Wilmington Police Department.