
Bad behavior at funerals was the subject of a viral online discussion

We are dead.

Funerals are never easy, but mourners have a habit of making things so uncomfortable that these solemn occasions can become unintentionally awkward.

A simple question on a popular Reddit forum—“What’s the worst thing someone has said or done at a funeral?”—seemed to resonate with readers eager to share their own bizarre, often quite funny experiences.

From unintentionally funny to just plain embarrassing: stories about funerals gone wrong are being shared in a viral thread on the Internet. Syda Productions –

The now-viral discussion thread, first highlighted by The Outkick, delivers one unintentionally funny moment after another—peppered with an unhealthy dose of plain embarrassment.

“A friend of my father's always gets nervous at funerals,” someone said. “Once he wanted to wish a widow good health for herself and her children, but instead he shook her hand and said, 'I wish the same for your children.'”

“That’s why Luca Brasi rehearsed,” replied one wise guy, referring to a famous scene from “The Godfather.”

“My family is really bizarre,” confessed another Reddit user, trying to explain his cheesy account of a stepfather or stepmother's funeral.

“The worst thing I've ever experienced? My stepbrother gave the eulogy at his father's funeral,” they explained.

“[He] stood up in front of the entire congregation and talked about how much his father loved to throw garbage in the streets. No joke. He threw out bags of fast food waste for “criminals to clean up.” “I heard they drink for their mates, but never throw out the BK Whopper wrapper in remembrance of stepdad Dave,” they said.

And while there were frequent complaints that clergy forgot the name of the deceased, sometimes it was the families themselves who made things far more unpleasant than was necessary.

“My grandfather's funeral in the early 2000s – my brother accidentally left his ringtone on and during a prayer all you hear is 'You have fucking emails, bitch!'” one user shared.

“The family has not yet let him get over it,” they said.

While there were frequent complaints that the priest would forget the name of the deceased, sometimes it was the families themselves who made things much more unpleasant than necessary. Syda Productions –

A horrified relative recounted an incredibly embarrassing moment when someone forgot to think before speaking.

“Unfortunately, one of my cousins ​​​​died at the age of 9,” they said.

“I don't know who the guy was, a friend of my uncle or something? Anyway, he goes to my grieving aunt and uncle and says, 'It's not like you can't have another child.'”

According to the storyteller, the thoughtless participant was asked by family members to step outside to change his attitude.

An ashamed grandchild confessed that he himself had caused an unpleasant moment at a young age.

“Probably what I said at my grandfather's funeral when I was 7. I thought I would say my grandfather died, but my grandmother and my other two grandparents were still alive,” they admitted.

“'One down, three to go,'” her tiny self announced to the horrified audience.

And speaking of horror: “At my stepfather's funeral, my mother-in-law grabbed my daughter's stomach (who was already distraught and distressed) and said 'What is that?', implying that she was fat,” another person said.

Still others told stories of opportunistic participants who used the services as a place for social networking.

An ashamed grandchild confessed that he himself had caused an unpleasant moment at a young age. NKM –

“I once saw the deceased's best friend propose to the grieving widow at the damn viewing. The guy got a hug from her father outside. It was like something out of a movie!” exclaimed one bystander.

New Yorkers, of course, know the joke about people showing up at funerals and asking who gets the apartment – ​​but one cowardly mourner had set his sights much lower.

“My father died and my uncle asked at the funeral if he could have my father’s exercise equipment,” said one ashamed child.

But the recurring theme seemed to be that people couldn't find the right words in difficult situations – and ended up saying the worst words possible.

“My mother died unexpectedly at the age of 47. I was 21,” revealed one person who received unsolicited condolences.

“We had a difficult relationship, but I loved her. My therapist at the time came up to me in the reception line, hugged me and said I must be so relieved,” they said.

Perhaps the strangest part was the funeral, where the body was literally passed around so people could say goodbye.

“My niece lost a six-month-old baby,” explained a distraught family member. “They were passing the baby around for people to hold. Bloody weird!”

Or maybe it wasn't so strange after all.

“I'll have my loved ones do this when I die at 95,” joked one reader.

“Please just crowd surf with me and look inside the coffin,” another pleaded.