
Tempe police investigate shooting at Arizona Mills mall

Shots were fired at the Arizona Mills shopping center on Friday evening.

Tempe police said no injuries were reported. The department said the investigation is ongoing.

People were evacuated from the shopping center and the surrounding streets were closed.

Officers were still conducting a raid at the mall late Friday night, still escorting people outside and still questioning people, said Sergeant Ryan Cook, Tempe police spokesman.

Leslie Bazan, 18, and Arianna Lowman, 19, were working at a clothing store when the shooting occurred around 7:30 p.m., the two women said.

Bazan said she was folding shirts when she noticed people running away.

“At first I thought she (Lowman) was laughing and I thought, wait a minute, maybe she's joking. But then everyone started running after her, everyone, and people started screaming,” Bazan said.

She informed the rest of the staff about the incident via radio and closed the store door.

Lowman said the employees and two customers went to the rear warehouse and hid for two hours.

Eventually the group was escorted out by the police.

Bazan said people inside told her the shooting occurred near the food court.

Jesus Aguilar said his three nieces, ages 14 to 16, were shopping in the store when the shooting started and were told to hide in the store where they were.

Aguilar stood outside while police questioned her. He said he lives across the street and didn't realize what was going on until he saw all the police cars and flashing lights.

“I called them and only now got in touch with them,” he said.

Police advised everyone to stay away from the area. The shopping center is located between Southern Avenue, Baseline Road, Priest Drive and Interstate 10.

Reports of a shooting at Arizona Mills in Tempe led to an evacuation on September 13, 2024, as the investigation was ongoing.

Reports of a shooting at Arizona Mills in Tempe led to an evacuation on September 13, 2024, as the investigation was ongoing.

This is a developing story. Check back with for updates.

This article originally appeared in the Arizona Republic: Shooting reported at Arizona Mills mall in Tempe