
Peterborough drug dealer jailed after 15-year-old boy trafficked

Cambridgeshire Police pictures of David Rosa in custody wearing a grey t-shirt and Lemar Griffiths also wearing a grey t-shirt with a cross tattoo on his foreheadCambridgeshire Police

David Rosa (left) and Lemar Griffiths were detained at Cambridge Crown Court

Two county dealers have been jailed for selling Class A drugs in connection with the trafficking of a 15-year-old boy.

The teenager was wanted in Peterborough after being reported missing in London.

A police investigation revealed that his cell phone was in contact with those of Lemar Griffiths (28) and David Rosa (21).

When they appeared at Cambridge Crown Court, they both admitted being involved in the trafficking of crack cocaine and heroin. Rosa also admitted arranging or facilitating the travel of another person for the purpose of exploiting that person.

Cambridgeshire Police A silver bowl with white powder in it Cambridgeshire Police

The dealers operated a county line drug line between Peterborough and London and sold crack cocaine and heroin

Both initially denied all charges and appeared in court for trial last month, but changed their plea on the second day.

Griffiths continued to deny the allegation of exploitation, which was dropped.

Drugs thrown out window

On July 31 last year, the Metropolitan Police received a report that the boy was missing.

A week later, he was tracked down at a house in Millfield, Peterborough, where he had been taken to sell drugs.

The following day, Griffiths was arrested at a house in Newmarket, Suffolk, and was seen throwing a mobile phone and a package of Class A drugs with a street value of over £2,000 out of a window.

Rosa was arrested at Cambridge railway station the same day after being intercepted while travelling from Peterborough.

Griffiths, of Orchard Close, Cambridge, was sentenced to four years and 11 months in prison and Rosa, of London Road, Maidstone, Kent, was sentenced to four years and two months.

Griffiths must also pay £2,850 in cash and Rosa £105.

Cambridgeshire Police a silver bowl with brown powder - possibly drugs Cambridgeshire Police

The couple were charged with trafficking heroin and crack cocaine.

PC Malachi Creedon, of Cambridgeshire Police, said: “Our joint investigation revealed that Griffiths operated a district line between London and Peterborough and Rosa was working for him to facilitate the boy’s journey and force him to deal Class A drugs.

“The boy, who is in a care facility in Greater London, was targeted because of his vulnerability, which is something we unfortunately see so often in this type of crime.

“This result has actually made the children safer.”

PC Jack Hardwick of the Metropolitan Police said: “This sentence sends a clear message that the police take the use of children as drug couriers seriously.”

The child was not prosecuted but was instead given protection, police said.