
The Bolivian narrator travels through his country's Victorialand off Chile

How not to feel emotions!, Bolivia I was completely alone, three wins in the fifties of the elimination of the world, they were happy players and had a great fear of their country and these were the next steps they took in their last market.

Bolivia visitó Santiago de Chile To deal with Roja, this is after I did Venezuela At the local level, and Buscaban mantener el impulso y hacer lo impossible, vencer a Chile in her house and with her people.

The instructions for Oscar Villegas I push myself forward to grab a golden temple Carmelo Algaranaz, Eduardo Vargas empató the encuentro with a gol a lot of polemico and en agregado de la primera mitad, Miguel Terceros scored the final 2-1.

During the transfer to Bolivia, Gonzalo CoboNarrador del encuentro, can not escape how he feels with the first Victoria of Emoticon Bolivia For the whole country after several years of Rota or Empates.

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