
This is the day when everything will change

Summer time will soon begin in most countries. United States areas, which means that we say goodbye to the current SummertimeDTS is one of those elements that will most likely disappear from the US annual plans.

While it is true that the main goal of this twice-yearly time change is to preserve more daylight hours in everyday life, it is possible that this does not make as much sense today as it once did. The truth is that some of the applications of Summertime are no longer so important in this day and age.

However, we must remember that the time change is necessary when the state we live in implements summer time and switches to winter time. This winter time will come very soon and all citizens will notice the change in their schedules.

When does the change to summer time take place?

Winter time begins on 3 November. Therefore, citizens in most states have to change their time in the early morning hours. Therefore, they set a clock back, making the early morning hours an hour longer, which can be very convenient for sleeping.

The following states will not change this:

  • Hawaii.
  • Most of Arizona.

The rest of the states have this time change, so if you don't live in the two areas mentioned above, you'll have to change the time as soon as you wake up. Sunday, November 3However, most devices have built-in automation, so changing the time is not necessary.

Why is summer time changing?

The truth is that Summertime has three main objectives:

  1. Maximizing natural daylight: The aim is to better adapt the daylight hours, especially in the morning, to daily activities.
  2. Energy saving: Traditionally, daylight saving time has been thought to help reduce energy consumption, but recent studies question its effectiveness.
  3. Circadian rhythms: A more consistent schedule during the winter months helps people gradually adjust to the shorter days.

While these three elements may be crucial, the truth is that in some cases it no longer seems to make sense to change the time twice a year. For this reason, there are plans to keep winter time indefinitely and forget it Summertime in the future. But for now, these time changes exist and we need to apply them to the clock.