
Almeida joined the Madrid Central, where he fell victim to the TSJM and did not announce the sanctions

El Madrid City Hall Subsequently, the entrance to the zones of the lower emission areas is interrupted with the author's judgment Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Madrid (TSJM) You have given instructions to the Legal Service on how to check the possibility of allowing recourse to your home. The Delegado de Urbanismo, Medio Ambiente y Movilidad del Ayuntamiento de Madrid, Borja CarabanteI have taken care to ensure that the law enforcement authorities no longer have a firm grip on the case and do not accept multiple applications “on the basis of case law”.

«El Supreme Court of Justice curl ZBE Due to a formal defect, the economic impacts resulting from the implantation of the lower emission zones were not recognized or justified, it was explained Carabantethis has proven to be justified in the new world Order of mobility Madrid 360 includes the expected impact, although this rate is not responsible, as is the economic impact.

“It was a formal defect that made the character valuable, as if he had not found enough appreciation or motivation for his memory,” explained Carabante. In addition, I have turned to the jurisprudence to confirm that I have not made several applications raised on the basis of this norm, which “are good applications.”

“Hay experiencia ya ya hay jurisprudencia. The order of Madrid Center I also noted the suspension of this emission zone and I noted that the sanctions were imposed due to the condemnation of these sanctions and their inadmissible access rights and their belonging to precise indispensable conditions,” the delegate stressed. That is why access to certain types of vehicles in these zones is prohibited because the norm must continue to be complied with until a fixed rate is available, but now there is a possibility of recurrence. “We are thinking about it Madrid360 It is the outcome because the objective has been completed, therefore we are satisfied with the mobility and safety policy because we have implemented the European directive and the Commissioner has failed to do so.

The Gobierno pide a Almeida que recurra

The government has Madrid City Hall a recurrir la reciente sentencia del Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Madrid (TSJM) which has annul the Capital Bailout Zones (ZBE) due to the “inadequate economic information” of this Medida, before an appeal Vox. Sources of Minister of Transport and Mobility Solid has translated its “respect” to justice, if one believes that the system “think about whether there are also vulnerable people who do not use the car and start thinking that the system should be improved”.

From the wallet Oscar Puente feared that we ZBE “They have demonstrated their effectiveness in reducing contamination and congestion, improving mobility, health and life in the city.” He also says that the studios are targeting the most vulnerable, mayors, victims of contamination and those most affected by the lack of mobility in cities. “In addition to this, we must look for media that cannot produce a discriminatory effect, and that cannot or does not intervene in our cities to promote sustainable, active, healthy and secure mobility,” he adds.

Vox shows the dimension of Almeida

El portavoz de Vox en el Ayuntamiento de Madrid, Javier Ortega Smithha pedido the dimisión del alcalde, José Luis Martínez-Almeidaen and “día de alegría” tras el fallo del Tribunal Superior de Justicia (TSJM) I announced that the provisional exclusion of the sentence was made. “I hope that (Almeida) will meet this sentence, I hope to appeal to the Supreme Court that he does not intend to try to convince the Supreme Court,” Ortega explained in a courtroom interview, agreeing with the Regidor that “there are always others.” And it is true that this sentence is very precise based on the jurisprudence of the Court of Content Management High Court, perfectamente foundationada en derecho».

What I want to do Almeida “Si tuviera dignidad” is “presentar su dimisión por haver mentido a los madrileños y por haver quedado absoluteamente desacreditado en allas las mentiras de este.” Madrid Centerthat showed me that there is no other time than a fabulous money recovery machine, with about a million euros that captivate us every day». Make sure you do not contact us Vox Of the motorists' associations, the municipal group has taken its guarantee, stating that the council has “spent the last cent of all that it has in charge, imposing all restrictions and communicating freedom to the Madrilenians to be able to issue a circular this week to the City of Madrid”.