
The Paysans Fonts la Fête à Dounoux

The Confédération Paysanne des Vosges and its friends are organizing a holiday festival on September 14th at the Chemin de Loue in Dounoux in the Vosges.

Fête paysanne à Dounoux, Vosges (picture)

This festival was held to celebrate and promote agricultural production in front of a large audience and also included other activities: Paysan marches, Paysan repas, demonstrations of Tonte de Moutons and of troop dogs. A great public festival.

Agricultural problems on the table

The Confederation is exclusively aimed at the world of agriculture, through a table and interventions in the income of agriculture and food (territory, respect for nature and people, quality…). Seront presents the probation officer of the Confederation Paysanne, Laurence Marandola, and Lucile Leclair, author of the book “Industrialization of agriculture”.

Election campaign

This festival is only an invitation to a moment of conviviality and marks the debut of the campaign in the cadre of professional elections in the Chamber of Agriculture, which takes place within the framework of the agricultural political orientations.
A Bal-Paysan and a DJ set marked the musical journey.