
Kamala Harris' spectacular appearance for Donald Trump's sycophants

Kamala Harris is flirting heavily with men she wants to lure away from the MAGA world or at least prevent from moving in that direction.

Her followers are helping by launching an advertising campaign aimed at white men that will cost about $10 million – an attempt to appeal to a key demographic that tends to favor Donald Trump.

“White dudes, I think we're all pretty sick of hearing how much shit we suck,” says a new 68-second commercial from the self-proclaimed “White Dudes for Harris,” which is airing on YouTube, streaming and social media in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

The speaker of the ad complains that the Trump people all Guys, a bad reputation.

“Trump and all his MAGA buddies are making it worse, shouting nonsense in their stupid red hats and pretending to speak for us when they don't,” he says. “They've always been screwing us over.”

Many white men disagree. An August NPR/PBS News/Marist poll found that more than two-thirds of white men without college degrees prefer Trump to Harris. She has a lead among white men with college degrees, but it is smaller: 54 percent to 45 percent.

New national survey by The New York Times also suggests she faces an uphill battle to win over white men. The data shows Trump leading Harris 54 percent to 40 percent among men and 54 percent to 43 percent among whites.

But winning the vote of white men will be crucial to winning the presidency. White voters are more likely to turn out than other demographics. And Harris, who could become the first female president, is already proving her strength with women. Winning the support of white men could be the decisive way out for her.

The language of the new ad, first reported by Politico, uses stereotypical language about white men. The narrator addresses the feelings of voters who have to choose between two “shitty options” and then says, “I did my own research.”

It features clips of Harris and her running mate Tim Walz “actually speaking to people like us,” including a group of firefighters. The narrator addresses white men directly, telling them not to be intimidated by their MAGA friends.

“You are your own boss,” says the narrator. “It's your decision. But if someone talks you bullshit about it, tell them it's none of their damn business.”

The eight-figure push is backed by the Beige Rainbow PAC, which registered with the Federal Election Commission a month ago. The name appears to be a play on a joke West Wing Actor Bradley Whitford made the announcement during a “White Dudes for Harris” video call earlier this summer.

“What a variety of whites we have here,” he said. “It's like a rainbow of beige.”