
Do teleworkers actually work? Yes, but they also go shopping and shower

What do remote and hybrid workers do all day?

They often boast about how productive they are when they are neither distracted by gossiping colleagues nor wasting time on long commutes.

But a new survey offers new insights into how telecommuters actually spend their time. Spoiler alert: It's not all about white papers and PowerPoint presentations.

While in-office workers pass the time messaging friends or scrolling through TikTok, remote workers are taking advantage of the opportunity to be away from the watchful eyes of their bosses to work through their personal to-do lists or fool around.

Nearly half of telecommuters multitask while taking work calls or doing household chores like unloading the dishwasher or doing a load of laundry, according to a SurveyMonkey survey of 3,117 full-time workers in the U.S.

An employee works from home at his remote workplace.

A third use the flexibility of remote work to run errands, whether it's a quick trip to the grocery store or picking up items from the dry cleaners.

Do you sleep on the job? It happens more often than you might think. One in five telecommuters admitted to taking a nap.

About 17% of teleworkers said they worked from another location without telling anyone, or watched TV or played video games. A small percentage – 4% – admitted to having another job.

Multitasking during Zoom calls is another popular pastime.

Nearly a third of remote and hybrid workers reported using the bathroom while on phone calls, 21% said they browsed social media, 14% went on online shopping trips, 12% did laundry, and 9% cleaned the kitchen.

The result may be surprising to some: 4% admit to falling asleep and 3% take a shower.