
Kentucky couple discovers body of suspected shooter on date

A 12-day Wanted for a gunman who shot at motorists on a Kentucky Autobahn two weeks ago is over. A couple who decided to join the search found the body of the accused Sniper Joseph Couch.

Five people were seriously injured in the shooting. Schools and churches remained closed as a precaution during the search.

Despite the deployment of hundreds of police officers, the discovery was made by civilians Fred and Sheila McCoy, who had arranged to meet at a specific time when they decided to join the search.

“We went out to eat first,” Sheila tells Inside Edition.

“We go out together in the evenings. We're both retired, so we have a bit of time,” says Fred.

The couple broadcast their search via livestream.

When the McCoys saw vultures circling in the sky, they knew they were on the right track.

“Those vultures were a telltale sign,” says Fred. “Something was dead down there.”

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