
Russia charges soldiers with torture and murder of Texan Russell Bentley

According to the Russian government newspaper Rg.Ru, Moscow has blamed four Russian soldiers for the death of Russell Bentley. Bentley was a Texan who fought against Ukraine in the Donetsk People's Republic and was killed on April 8.

An investigation into the circumstances of his death by Russia's Investigative Committee found that Bentley, 64, was allegedly tortured and killed by members of the Fifth Brigade at the Petrovskaya mine, reported Astra Press, an independent Russian media outlet.

Russia's Investigative Committee accuses Vitaly Vansyatsky, Vladislav Agaltsev, Vladimir Bazhin and Andrei Iordanov, members of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, of negligently torturing and killing Bentley as a group, an act that was reportedly beyond their authority, Rg.Ru reported.

A drone image shows the destruction of Krasnohorivka, part of the Donetsk region of Ukraine, after heavy artillery and bombing attacks by Russia on July 27. A Texan fighting for Russia was killed…

Kostiantyn Liberov/Getty Images

Newsweek The Investigative Committee of Russia asked for comment by email.

The group is also accused of covering up a serious crime by moving Bentley's body to another location, Rg.Ru reported.

The investigation revealed that Agaltsev and Iordanov physically tortured the Texan, which led to his death, the newspaper said.

The investigation also revealed that Vanyatsky and Agaltsev blew up Bentley's remains in a VAZ 2115 with a block of TNT. In addition, Bashin, another soldier from the military unit, is said to have moved the remains to another location.

A friend of Bentley's wife, Lyudmila Bentley, confirmed to Astra Press that the American soldier died as a result of electric torture. His heart could not withstand the electric shocks.

Bentley's wife said they arrived in Donetsk on April 8 for “personal reasons” and had lived in the executive committee of Donetsk's Petrovsky district for several years, Rg.Ru reported.

According to the source, Bentley allegedly disappeared after trying to help the wounded following an attack by Ukrainian forces. Witnesses said he was taken away by people in camouflage clothing.

Although charges have been brought against the four soldiers, there is no information about an upcoming trial date, Rg.Ru said.

Bentley, a war correspondent and pro-Kremlin fighter, wrote blogs and recorded vlogs of the war for his YouTube channel. He joined the Russian armed forces in 2014 when Newsweek previously reported.

“The Donbas Cowboy,” as Bentley called himself, was a tree surgeon in Austin, Texas, before joining the Russian troops. He later married a Russian woman and received Russian citizenship.

Bentley said Newsweek in 2022: “If I told you every time I was seconds or inches away from death, first of all we would be here all night and second of all you wouldn’t even believe me.”

He continued, “I can tell you I'm the luckiest guy I've ever known. I believe in guardian angels because I've been so lucky.”

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