
North Pole High School parent arrested after confrontation with teacher during 'Sit-Tight Protocol'

FAIRBANKS, Alaska (KTVF) – An altercation broke out at North Pole High School on Wednesday while a “sit-tight” protocol was in effect.

At around 2 p.m., the North Pole Police Dept. (NPPD) was investigating an alleged threat made by a student toward a staff member. Students were asked to remain in the main lobby of North Pole High School during this incident. Alysia S. Johnson, a teacher who oversees the entrance doors, said that a parent – identified as Keith R. Fons Sr. – came through the passageway and claimed that the school was holding his daughter hostage.

The indictment states that Johnson was concerned about Fons' “extremely erratic, unstable and angry behavior.” She also claimed that he chest-butted her several times.

When police later contacted Fons at home, he denied pushing the teacher. He was arrested for fourth-degree assault.

In a statement as part of a fundraiser Fons launched on Thursday to pay his bail and sue the school and school district, he said:

“They even let me go in, but still refused to take our daughter. I recorded the whole incident. They finally let the children out after I made a big fuss. Then [an hour] “Later, five NPPD officers came to my house and arrested me for fourth-degree assault because a teacher said they were scared.”

Fons was released on bail.

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