
Jaime Munguía was deeper than Erik Bazinyan

The Mexican ended last week in Glendale, Arizona, with a slugfest

The Mexican Jaime Munguia it is a round trip.

The Tijuan Peleador recovered from the primer decalcified from his career for making a lonely decision to stop Saúl 'Canelo' Álvarez on May 4 noquear in 10 rounds from Canada Erik Bazinyanthe loser wasn't even in the Desert Diamond Arena in Glendale, Arizona.

In a fierce fight against each other, especially because of the hunting maneuvers that end up most Erik Bazinyan well into the battle, Jaime Munguia Logró sobreponerse con golpes de poder al body que poco a poco fueron desgastando a su rival.

Yes with a Erik Bazinyan static, Jaime Munguia Find a white, comfortable way to connect with the Canadian Rostro before putting Castigo at the door to turn to the Lona for the last ten years and go to the Pelea as long as possible.

“Gracias por la Pelea, que siga trabajando fuerte y le siga echando ganas, fue lo que le dije [a Erik Bazinyan]”, explained Jaime Munguia after the fight. “In a moment when I was stopped, a person was there for me, I felt like a person for whom I had to find a solution.

“I decided last year to do everything and wait until I got it.”

With this Victoria Jaime Munguia His best record was 44:1 in 35 minutes Erik Bazinyan When he finished 32-1-1 at 23 months, with no embargo, it was two consecutive people who had not come into contact with Victoria.

I am the next rival Jaime Munguia?

After arriving in Victoria Erik Bazinyan, Jaime Munguia Make sure you hit the road again in 2025 with a lineup of players to reach your next rival.

“Vamos a veritable, it is the best I mean, there are big players in the 168 Libras.” [Caleb] Attachment, [Edgar] Berlanga, [Christian] “Mbilli, these are big numbers, because we have come to great battles,” señaló Jaime Munguia. “I spent the next year with Berlanga or Plant.”

Berlanga was forced to a lone decision with Canelo Álvarez on September 14th when he faced Trevor McCumby the next day.