
After gun incidents, schools in Upper Darby consider introducing gun detectors

(TNS) – The Upper Darby School District is proposing gun detection systems in its middle and high schools after two shooting incidents in the first weeks of school in which students were found carrying a loaded gun and an AR magazine.

On Tuesday, Superintendent Daniel McGarry will present a proposal to the school board for a scanning system that uses artificial intelligence to detect possible weapons. The board will hold a special meeting that evening to decide on the measure, McGarry said.

It is not clear how the board, which previously opposed the implementation of detection systems, will vote. However, McGarry said the board has instructed school administrators to come up with a plan because concerns about guns have disrupted the new school year. This began with an incident on Sept. 3 in which a high school student suspected of being under the influence of drugs was searched and found to be carrying a loaded .40-caliber gun, according to McGarry.

Fortunately, “there was cooperation,” McGarry said. “I'm not saying it's OK that the kid had a gun, but it wasn't out of control. It was over in 30 minutes.”

The following week, on September 13, McGarry received calls from parents informing him that someone might be carrying a gun at the high school. The calls stemmed from an incident the day before in which a student had been arrested with a gun off campus.

The parents would not give names, but McGarry got some through a contact and instructed the principal to call the students into the office. That morning, teachers also identified a student at the high school who appeared to be under the influence of drugs. When police searched the student, they found an AR magazine on him, McGarry said.

Officers then had to determine if there was an assault rifle in the building. After locating where the weapon was, they determined there was not, McGarry said.

“We have to ensure the safety of children and people,” he said. “It is unfortunate that we often find ourselves on a pointless search.”

The incidents have frightened parents and led to a new campaign for metal detectors. A petition was launched on on September 13th and had already collected over 1,000 signatures by Thursday.

Referring to the discovery of the gun and AR magazine, Jill Altmann, the author of the petition, wrote: “This is simply unacceptable and appalling. Our children and school staff have a right to a safe, gun-free environment.” Altmann, a parent in the school district, declined an interview request this week, saying she wanted to wait and see what happens at Tuesday's meeting.

Metal detectors are controversial in Philadelphia, where the district's high schools have used the technology since the 1990s. Some students and other critics argue the system creates a culture of distrust and makes schools feel like prisons.

Because school administrators noticed that more and more students at younger ages were trying to bring weapons to school, the district last year implemented artificial intelligence gun detection in grades 6 through 8. Unlike metal detectors, the system does not require children to remove their bags, but instead alerts school security personnel when a weapon is detected while passing through the two parallel posts.

While Upper Darby has implemented other safety measures over the years — such as social workers and conflict resolution specialists — the board has rejected previous administration recommendations for detection systems. “To be honest, people were unhappy that I even brought this up,” McGarry said, expressing concern that students might feel criminalized.

School board chairman Donald Fields did not immediately respond to a request for comment Thursday.

McGarry said he will outline the costs and logistical aspects of implementing the Evolv detection systems, which he said are already in use in several other school districts and large athletic facilities.

The software is designed to detect certain types of metal, such as metal in the barrel of a gun, but Chromebooks could also trigger the function, McGarry says. He estimates that about 10 percent of the high school's 4,400 students would have to be searched.

In the past, officials have proposed the detection system as a pilot program to find out, among other things, how many children would need additional screenings and how much additional staff would be needed. If the system is approved on Tuesday, they will have to look at the full rollout, McGarry said.

In addition to the costs – he spoke of a “multimillion-dollar expenditure in a district that has historically suffered from a lack of funds” – ensuring adequate staffing and training employees will also be a hurdle, McGarry said.

“Safety is obviously priceless,” he said. If the school board approves the proposal, “it's our job to figure out how to fund that internally.”

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