
Cuándo se regalan flores amarillas and cuál es the origin of ritual de 21 de septiembre por llegada de la primavera

– Andina Credit

Meanwhile, as Peruvians were staging to reach the Primavera and escape the grey Invierno, the climate reached its peak with other aircraft. When the new station did not immediately achieve the brilliant tan, I was delighted by a tradition that I had immersed in recent times: las yellow flowers.

It is likely that the sun illuminates the technique of the house and it is certain that on many panels she has received a bouquet of flowers amarillas frescoes that receive her as a funeral service.

On the first day before the aboriginal first settlement, I received a reception the next day as a result of the blossoms of the Amarilla flowers, the gold diggers, which symbolized the revival of nature through the invierno, brought prosperity and favorable times. On September 21 in Peru, the pink flowers turned into the emotional currency of the day. Since it is a social obligation that is not written, we must compare all our loved ones to exchange them between friends, acquaintances, friends and other people because we value them.

On this day, Peruvian markets were visited by yellow, a color that promised prosperity to merchants. As happened a year ago, on September 21, considerable quantities were confiscated. I wonder if it is the time of the city that has gone in search of a special person.

A el Mercado de Flores de Santa RosaIn the district of Rímac, the men and women of the shop have been preparing since the first hours of the day to sell flowers, pink roses and other flowers from all over the world. Lo mismo sucede en el Market of Stone Lizarda place that is also often used from time to time to conduct in vivo transmissions to capture the environment of the day.

On September 21st, the Flores market appeared in Rímac. (Infobae Perú/Paula Elizalde)
On September 21st, the Flores market appeared in Rímac. (Infobae Perú/Paula Elizalde)

Meanwhile, Argentina celebrates Primavera Day. A celebration that took place on September 21Due to astronomical factors, the exact starting equinox could vary between the 21st and the 23rd month. In the middle of the celebrations, the Argentines gave Suelen the flowers Amarillas, A tradition recited in Peru. But what is the origin of this costume?

TikTok I have transformed myself into a scenario that springs from nostalgia and the real tendencies of the uncontrolled maneuvers. One of these collisions is a testament to the resurrection of the animal from the Argentine series “Floricienta”, recorded in 2004, especially from the middle of the song “Yellow Flowers”an iconic theme for the production. It was a special costume in the following years of the novel, reviving each year one of the most important moments in the story.

El 21 SeptemberDay that marked the beginning of the Primavera Argentinait was transformed into a symbol for the fans of 'Floricienta'. In his response to the trama the protagonist Sueña responds by receiving pink flowers from his love, the following videos of the series read them receiving the flowers of their parejas or friends, transforming this fictitious illusion into a real tradition.

Floricienta is a legate in Peru. (Composition Infobae)
Floricienta is a legate in Peru. (Composition Infobae)

The series tells the story of a young girl who worked in the house of Federico, the young dueño of the Predio. At the end of the novella he was fascinating on several occasions Floricienta con arreglos de flores amarillas. This love story and the scenes that were accompanied by the theme “Flores amarillas” were put into action by those around them.

The TikTok trend is so great that users do not participate in viral desafíos alone, although they also remember moments that passed when the brand appeared. The videos, published on September 21, 2019, were recorded by the people of Florida, reflecting a fusion of nostalgia and modernity on social media.

Over time, this symbolic gesture has been adopted especially by the female public, who provide an incentive for their couples and friends to participate in this reinvented tradition. Estos seems like a home in the alegrie and the romanticism that “Floricienta” inspired in its spectators.

On September 21, a woman received the flowers Amarillas on September 21. (Freepik)
On September 21, a woman received the flowers Amarillas on September 21. (Freepik)

Further information:

On September 21, “Flores amarillas” has been translated into a special song for many. At that moment, the music is received by the little dreams that protect themselves from the heart and feel something magical. It is a day in which people celebrate the despair and illusions symbolized in the pink flowers. In this context, it is important Let's talk about the letter of the song.

It is so that there is an amarilla-colored flower

Ella was dreaming with the light and her student

Y the amarillo del Sol illuminates the sky

The sentia tan cercano, the sentía desde niña

She knows what she knows

What is a past day

What to look for

With its yellow flowers

Not te apures, not detengas

The moment of encounter

You know it's a mistake

No Pierdas, no Derecho

Don’t forget, life

So, now I won't sleep

We want to set off from this bar

Ella llegó in limusina amarilla por supuesto

It's a sign of remorse that's about to stop

Today we have a good life and we don't have anything to say

The color Amarillo radiates an influence on both the psychological and social levels. From a psychological perspective, It combines energy, alegria and vitalityevokes feelings of optimism and goodwill, and a large part is accompanied by the sun with the sun and warmth. Además, this tonalidad suele emplearse to capture the attention and reflect elements.

Sociologically, yellow is an important thing for diversity between cultures. Many societies represent wealth and success; in China, for example, it is associated with the empress and imperial dignity. No, its symbol can be radically changed in different contexts. In some cultures, it is perceived as the color of warning at sea, as it occurs in the last weeks of the voyage.

The most popular flowers in Amarillas include:

  • Sunflowers ( Helianthus annuus )
  • Yellow roses ( Rosa spp. )
  • Yellow tulips ( Types of tulips )
  • Yellow Margaritas ( Euryops pectinatus )
  • Daffodils ( Daffodil species )
  • Marigolds ( Calendula officinalis )
  • mimosa ( Acacia Dealbata )
  • Yellow Gerbera ( Gerbera spp. )
  • We burn yellow ( Chrysanthemum spp. )

These flowers are valued for their vibrant color and capacity for lighting the room.