
Tester will always fight for Social Security and Medicare

I'm president of the Social Security Works PAC. My job is to support members of Congress who stand up for retirees and their hard-earned benefits – and to shut down the politicians who would put these programs on the hit list.

That's why I'm deeply concerned about the misinformation Tim Sheehy is spreading about Senator Jon Tester's Social Security and Medicare benefits. It's alarming for Montana's seniors and a dishonest way to create panic to win an election.

I can tell you with absolute certainty that Senator Tester is a consistent and strong advocate for retirees, Social Security, and Medicare. Senator Tester is strongly opposed to any plan to end Social Security and has always voted to protect our Social Security and Medicare benefits because he knows that doing so would be a slap in the face to everyone who has earned these benefits over a lifetime.

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Rising drug costs hit seniors hard, many of whom are on fixed incomes and need assistance with cost-cutting. Senator Tester did just that by fighting for and passing the Inflation Mitigation Act, which capped prescription drug out-of-pocket costs for seniors with Medicare and allowed Medicare to negotiate lower prices directly with pharmaceutical companies.

We are proud to support Senator Tester because he has a history of being a strong advocate for Montana's seniors and a dignified retirement and will continue to do so to maintain Social Security funding.

Tester's opponent, Tim Sheehy, often claims he wants to protect Social Security, invest in health care, and fight for our seniors. These are lies. Sheehy also recently claimed that Jon Tester voted for cuts to Social Security and Medicare. These are just more lies.

In fact, Sheehy has already shown how he would endanger Social Security if elected as a U.S. senator. He has called for a “pure privatization” of health care, which would directly target Medicare funding. This mindset – the belief that government should play no role in providing necessary services for our aging population – easily applies to Social Security.

Another example of his blatant miscalculation was his support for a plan to impose mandatory sunset clauses in all legislation, including Social Security and Medicare, leaving these vital programs at the mercy of politicians year after year.

If you're not convinced, follow the money. Tim Sheehy is backed by a billionaire-backed group called Americans For Prosperity, which wants to raise the retirement age and cut Social Security benefits. This group has spent millions of dollars to support Sheehy's campaign.

Despite what Sheehy and his billionaire supporters would have you believe, Jon Tester has never cut Social Security or Medicare. He has fought back against all attempts to undermine them. He is a champion for Montana's seniors, and that is why we, along with other senior groups, support him.

We know that Senator Tester will always fight to keep Social Security and Medicare fully funded, and he will work with everyone, Democrats, Republicans, and Independents, to make that happen.

Jon Tester is the best choice for Montana.

Jon “Bowzer” Bauman is president of Social Security Works PAC