
Environmentalist Jane Goodall inspires Tampa Bay youth to make positive changes

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. – Hundreds of people, young and old, came to Tropicana Field on Saturday to see and hear from world-renowned conservationist Dr. Jane Goodall.

“I was very touched and excited to have this opportunity today. This is something I never thought I would do,” said Donna Woods.

Woods was thrilled to see so many children in the crowd wanting to learn more about Goodall's career.

“Seeing all the young people excited to be here and maybe learning and gaining some skills in conservation and the environment, that really gives me hope,” Woods said.

The 90-year-old primatologist, zoologist and anthropologist, known for her groundbreaking research on chimpanzees, is an inspiration to all generations, including 8-year-old Magnolia Jackson.

“I wanted to see Jane Goodall. [I know] that it helps the planet and the chimpanzees,” Magnolia said.

Her mother, Joanna Jackson, said she was about the same age when she first learned about Goodall's groundbreaking discoveries about chimpanzee behavior.

“Just their passion, their enthusiasm to put in the effort and to teach – you can just feel it, see it, everything,” Jackson said.

During her speech, Goodall shared her life's journey and provided insights into her years of research into the social and family interactions of wild chimpanzees, information that Eden Felts will include in her book report.

“About Jane Goodall’s research and work with chimpanzees and stuff,” Felts said.

The ten-year-old came dressed as Goodall.

Part of Goodall's vision is to engage young people and empower them to become involved in conservation through her Roots and Shoots program, showing that each of us can have a positive impact on the world.

“Sometimes we pick up trash that’s lying around our neighborhood,” Magnolia said.

Regardless of age, everyone is inspired by Goodall to create a better future for people, animals and the planet.

“You will see a great improvement in traffic flow in this area,”
Almost $865 million later, the new Howard Frankland Bridge is entering its final construction phase.

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