
Chase Sexton suffers DNF after racing accident in first moto of 2024 SMX final

Everyone was expecting a thrilling three-way battle between championship leaders Hunter Lawrence, Chase Sexton and Jett Lawrence at today's finale of the SuperMotocross World Championship (SMX). The exciting SMX finale will take place in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Unfortunately, in moto one, Chase Sexton was rammed by Justin Barcia in the back half of the top ten on the first lap. We all know how Barcia races, but Sexton pulled off to the right and Barcia was unable to avoid it and landed right on top of the Red Bull KTM rider. This was clearly a racing accident as it happened at the wrong place at the wrong time and you know Barcia didn't want to negatively affect this SMX Championship. Neither man crashed, but Sexton's visor was knocked off, the right shoulder of his jersey was completely shredded and he looked battered. He completed a full lap before heading to the mechanics area, picking up his mechanic Kyle Defoe and the two heading to the pits.

The team told Will Christien, the TV pit reporter, that the bike was too battered for Sexton to finish the race. Note that the TV broadcast included clips of Defoe working on Sexton's bike, which could mean we'll see him in the second race.

With Sexton's crash and 21st place, the three-way battle for the SMX title is now essentially just a fight between the brothers Hunter and Jett Lawrence.