
Monster 2: Did the real OJ Simpson meet Erik Menendez in prison?

It's only natural that a case like the Menendez murders leaves an impression on all the real people the two brothers encountered during those seven years (1989-1996). Starting from the investigators to the psychiatrists, prosecutors, lawyers, reporters and more. Everyone has a version of their story about the Menendez brothers. But see, with so many different narratives, sometimes it's difficult to distinguish between the real and the unreal. And how can a creator like Ryan Murphy miss the chance not to take advantage of that confusion. He brought in certain elements from real life but then mixed them with rumors and hearsay so that after a certain period of time, it became difficult to distinguish the two. And one such event in the series involved OJ Simpson, who was introduced in the penultimate episode of the Netflix series. But before I go any further, I want to…