
Iraq's President Hakim expresses his condolences to Iran over the Tabas mine incident

TEHRAN: Seyyed Ammar Hakim, the leader of the Iraqi National Wisdom Movement, has expressed his deep regret and condolences over the tragic mining accident in Tabas, South Khorasan province, which left numerous people dead and injured.

In his message, Hakim expressed his solidarity with the leader and people of the Islamic Republic of Iran, as well as with the families of those who lost their lives in this heartbreaking incident.

He said: “In this difficult situation, I stand with the leader and the Iranian people and express my condolences to the families who have suffered such a heavy loss.”

Hakim stressed that this tragedy reminds us of the resilience and strength of nations in times of adversity, calling on God to grant healing to the injured and patience to the families of the deceased.

More than 50 people were killed and several others injured when a massive explosion caused by a gas leak occurred at a coal mine in the eastern Iranian province of South Khorasan.