
The Daily Beast's Editor-in-Chief on Psychedelics Answers Your Trippiest Questions

Editor's note: Rob Long is not a medical professional, nor does he have a psychedelics license. He may actually be high while writing this column. Nothing herein constitutes pharmaceutical advice or guidance, and should not be used for diagnosis or treatment.

In my first column here at the Daily Beast, I asked readers to send me their questions and I was ready to discuss anything they wanted to know about psychedelics, whether recreational or therapeutic.

With one big exception.

I have gotten a lot of questions basically looking for a trustworthy source for psychedelic drugs. And I can't answer that. I mean, I could—I wish I could, because these substances can be uplifting, healing, and a lot of fun. And I know plenty of places to get the good, safe stuff! But I habitbecause as much as I wish everyone had the opportunity to explore their own consciousness, the Narcotics Act of 1970 makes it impossible. I don't wish it enough to risk a prison sentence.

It's true that in some states — notably Colorado and Washington — many psychedelic drugs are being legalized quickly. But under the CSA, substances like LSD, psilocybin, mescaline, and MDMA are classified as Schedule I drugs. So, despite growing interest in medical and therapeutic uses, their manufacture, possession, or distribution is illegal except for approved research purposes. This is stupid, of course, but we live in a stupid world.

The best I can do is: Pretty much every major city has some sort of “psychedelic society.” (For example, the closest one near me is the Psychedelic Assembly in New York City, which is full of great people who know a lot about psychedelics and their safe use.) Find one in your area, make some contacts, and ask lots of questions.

And always always Test your stuff yourself. It really isn't a big deal and actually makes the psychedelic trip freer and more enjoyable. When you feel completely safe, your mind (and heart) can really open up.

I can also tell you this story, which I neither confirm nor deny the actual existence of: In the Netherlands there are places where it is legal to sell various psychedelic chemicals. In the US they are not allowed to ship them to you, but in many European countries they can send them to a hotel in an unmarked DHL bag, which means there is a nice little package waiting for you when you check in. Again, I am not saying that this happened to me, or that it happened three times in a hotel in Milan that I will not name.

So much for the questions I cannot answer.

However, there were at least a few that I would be happy to answer and that wouldn't result in my house being raided at 4am without warning. Here are some of them:

I'm a writer staring at a blank page while responding to an article. I would appreciate links to people in my area who can lead microdosing sessions.

Hey! I'm a writer too and I have the same problems with my work. In fact, one of the main reasons I started this column was because I wanted to avoid all the other writing I was supposed to be doing. I hear you. But let's define some terms if you don't mind, because I keep hearing people use the word Microdose in many confusing ways. To put it bluntly, a Microdose is an almost imperceptible dose of a psychedelic drug that you take once or twice a week for three weeks and then take a short break and take care of yourself. (Taking care of yourself is in fact a big part of what psychedelics require of us, either in Micro or macro or Holy cow, the room is a dripping candle doses.) The effect of the microdose lasts for several days and in many people generates the openness and energy needed to start a project.

I hate giving homework, but if you are really interested in microdosing, you should get a copy of James Fadiman's book The Psychedelic Explorer's Guide this explains a lot in clear, human language. I am a huge fan of microdosing and it has helped me a lot. I would recommend following Fadiman's advice.

I did 11 weeks of home sessions with an online ketamine program but gave up after the last one… The sessions provided significant relief but the immediate aftermath left me so depressed that I did not want to continue therapy. I chose oral administration. I am wondering if you have ever had ketamine intravenously before and if so, how you felt afterward?

First, let me be clear: I'm not a doctor, scientist, lawyer, or researcher. In fact, I have very few marketable skills. I can write scripts for TV with jokes in them, and that's it. So I'm not qualified to say this, but I'll say it anyway: Ketamine is overrated. It's presented as a solution to people suffering from drug-resistant depression, and in my experience, I think that's a huge exaggeration. I did a 12-session series of ketamine infusions (that's what the intravenous method is called) a few years ago – honestly, just to try it out, since I don't have depression – and the effects were fun and interesting, but I can't say I was transformed. I'm sorry to hear you felt left in a “puddle,” which doesn't sound like fun.

If you want to use psychedelics to alleviate your mental health, remember this iron rule: The real effect and lasting healing happens after the medicine is out of your system. That's why it's most effective to have a trained and supportive therapist to help you process what you've experienced and integrate these things into your non-psychedelic life.

Thank you for your articles. I have taken all kinds of psychedelics recreationally in my 50 years…I would like to try ayahuasca at the place you went to in Costa Rica – can you give me any information?

Okay, I can answer that! I spent a very intense and transformative week at a place called Soltara in Costa Rica. I was there a few years ago when they had just started their program, and in the meantime they have expanded and now have several locations across the country. They take a very traditional and thoughtful approach to medicine – the Saviour are members of the Peruvian Shipibo community and perform the ceremonies with grace and authenticity. All in all, Soltara is a great place with the perfect balance of natural landscapes and beautiful rooms with air conditioning. (See, a lot will happen to you during an Ayahuasca retreat. Don't make it harder than necessary.)

There are other places too, but the most important thing to keep in mind is that this is a really intense experience. Ayahuasca isn't really for a “fun weekend in the north.” To get the most out of it and honor the traditions associated with the medicine and its practitioners, look for a week-long program that offers multiple ceremonies and builds plenty of time for integration into the week. The real work happens after The ceremonies are over.

In fact, I'll talk more about ayahuasca in my next column, including my favorite part: the vomiting. In the meantime, feel free to email me – [email protected] – here at the Psychedelic Bureau at the Beast's headquarters, where, let's be honest, everyone could use a little psychedelic experience.

Rob Long is a television writer and producer and the author of three books. His weekly podcast, Martini Shot, is available everywhere.

Anyone seeking medical advice should contact their doctor or a health professional; anyone seeking support for depression or Individuals having suicidal thoughts should contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline by dialing or texting 988.