
Rain forecast for this week

Monday: Rain is forecast for this week

After the drought, more rain is expected this week.

Hi Mwl. Meteorologist Suzanne Horgan, Your Monday is starting off pretty muggy, with some scattered showers in the first half of the day. Chances of scattered showers and thunderstorms increase through the afternoon and evening. We're also looking for some tropical moisture heading our way, thanks to what appears to be a tropical disturbance, possibly even a tropical storm or hurricane, moving across parts of the Gulf of Mexico and back across parts of Florida, then moving north. That could give us a pretty good chance of some scattered showers and thunderstorms later in the week and into the weekend as well. So we'll be watching that closely for you. If we look at today's forecast, you can see a few scattered showers in the first half of the day. We'll have better chances. I think as the day progresses, we'll see some rain and thunderstorm activity pick up, and we'll be looking for some spots of heavy rain along the way. We'll continue to watch for the chance of some storms as we look at your forecast tonight. You can see that we'll continue to have *** chances of some rain and thunderstorm activity over the next few days, especially late today and into the night. We'll also expect more showers and storms on your Tuesday, some showers possible on Wednesday than we're expecting this weekend as some of that tropical moisture could be heading our way. So, of course, we'll keep the rain chance in the forecast, which may need to be adjusted as we get closer. And it depends on the actual development of that storm.

Monday: Rain is forecast for this week

After the drought, more rain is expected this week.

WLKY meteorologist Susanne Horgan takes a look at her forecast.

WLKY meteorologist Susanne Horgan takes a look at her forecast.