
Man convicted of first-degree murder died in court after suffering ‘serious health problems’ in prison – The Tri-City Record

Case against Sierra Collins is dismissed

The woman at the center of William Johnson's murder has died from injuries she sustained at the San Juan County Detention Center.

Sierra Collins, 23, was admitted to San Juan Regional Medical Center on Sept. 13 with “serious medical problems” and “limited brain function,” according to a unanimous emergency motion to modify her conditions of release.

The nature of the medical problem was not specified in the motion, but it said the San Juan County Detention Center was “unable to provide Collins with the care necessary” to “sustain her life.”

On September 20, a motion to dismiss the case was filed, stating: “The defendant is deceased. Consequently, the present case is moot and the case is dismissed.”

Collins was charged with first-degree murder and conspiracy to commit first-degree murder in connection with the July 24, 2022, killing of Johnson at his home on County Road 3400.

It was alleged that Collins encouraged 21-year-old Eli Chaffin and 25-year-old Tyler Chaffin to shoot Johnson, with whom she was in a relationship. The Chaffin brothers reached a plea agreement on July 31 and admitted their role in Johnson's death.

Eli Chaffin pleaded guilty to manslaughter and was sentenced to six years in prison. Tyler Chaffin pleaded guilty to second-degree murder and was sentenced to 15 years in prison.

Eli, who shot Johnson when he thought the man was going to shoot his brother.

“I heard a gun go off. I got out of the back of the vehicle and saw Mr. Johnson reaching for a gun. I yelled at him several times to stop. He wouldn't, so I shot him,” Eli said during the hearing.

Both he and Tyler had driven Sierra to Johnson's house to “check on her car,” which “William was allegedly working on,” according to the arrest warrant affidavit.

During the Chaffin brothers' hearing, defense attorney Mark Curnutt alluded to Collins' “threatening” actions toward Johnson.

“It was quite obvious that Sierra Collins had the ability to provoke Mr. Johnson to absolute extremes,” Curnutt said, adding that Collins knew Johnson was a “good guy” who “wore his emotions on his sleeve. She took advantage of that. She knew about his past actions. She could provoke things out of him.”

In a text message dated July 23, 2022, Collins allegedly asked William to meet with her “to get shot in the face,” the affidavit states.

Collins' trial was scheduled for December.