
Two suspected thieves arrested at gunpoint in an e-cigarette shop

MOBILE, Alabama (WALA) – Mobile police said an 18-year-old and a suspected underage accomplice were filmed attempting to steal fairly expensive products from local tobacco stores.

One of the shop owners said the couple had planned everything. After all, according to police, they had already gotten away with it twice. But then their luck ran out when a motorcyclist chased them and held them at gunpoint until the police arrived.

It was captured on camera by a passerby.

A man held the teenagers at gunpoint in the middle of busy Schillinger Road during rush hour on Friday afternoon.

According to MPD, it started at a vape shop in West Mobile.

The owner said a young man came in and asked about their THC-a. It is one of the most expensive flower buds in the store.

As the clerk explains the prices and asks for ID, the person is seen taking as much as they can and then rushing out the door.

Police said it happened again just 30 minutes later and a few miles down the road at a tobacco shop near the airport and Schillinger.

“I had all my products laid out in bags like this one. The shipment had just arrived, he asked a lot of very strange questions, asked how much a whole package of these would cost, which was way too much money? I don't sell them for that much. Long story short, he ended up running out of here with three of my bags,” said store owner Matt Callahan.

Callahan said the suspect fled with nearly $2,000 worth of THC-a.

His surveillance video showed everything and from many different angles.

The person can be seen leaving the door slightly ajar as they entered. Video showed what Callahan said was a getaway car behind the store.

Callahan said: “When his buddy ran out of there, he was already moving like he was going to put the pedal to the metal and get away from us. Then he had a ski mask over the license plate so we wouldn't get it. I ran back in and called the police. Then the rescuer who got on the motorcycle drove off and rescued it.”

Callahan spoke of one of his loyal customers who jumped on his motorcycle and chased the couple.

The motorcyclist held the suspected thieves to the ground at gunpoint until the police arrived.

According to MPD, one of the suspects, the alleged getaway driver, is a minor. The other suspect is Christopher Moore. He is charged with second-degree shoplifting and organized shoplifting.

Both store owners said they were grateful they were able to get their products back the same day.

When it comes to a citizen's arrest, Mobile Police said the following: “We ask that the public never put themselves in harm's way and contact us immediately if a situation like this occurs. This will ensure their safety and also not put our officers in a compromising situation where they may question whether the person holding a firearm has good intentions. This occurred at a busy time of day with many vehicles on the road, but fortunately was resolved quickly and peacefully.”