
Türkiye files demarche against persecution by Greek coast guard


The Turkish Foreign Ministry has submitted a demarche to its Greek counterpart because in recent days Greek Coast Guard vessels have come within a few dozen meters of the Turkish coast while expelling migrant smugglers, according to information available to Kathimerini.

The demarche refers to two incidents that occurred on September 20 and 13 and were reported by Turkish media on Monday. In the September 13 incident, a Rafnar-type coast guard vessel pursued a smuggler's speedboat from the island of Symi towards the Turkish coast, reaching the area around Datca in southeastern Turkey.

A week later, on September 20, a Greek Coast Guard vessel pursued a smuggler's speedboat that had previously brought migrants ashore on the island of Kos. The Greek vessel was filmed by Turkish citizens just a few dozen meters off the coast of Bodrum. This second incident triggered an official reaction from Turkey.

Last night, Turkish Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya spoke with Greek Maritime Minister Christos Stylianides and expressed his displeasure over the violation of Turkish territorial waters, referring to both incidents. The Turkish Interior Ministry said that Stylianides was investigating the incidents and that Turkish authorities would be informed of the results of the investigation.

The Greek Maritime Ministry confirmed in a statement released on Tuesday that the two ministers had discussed the Bodrum incident, saying they “agreed on the importance of avoiding similar incidents that could lead to misunderstandings.”