
Rep. D'Esposito calls NY Times article alleging he violated House ethics rules a “partisan smear piece”

Congressman Anthony D'Esposito spoke out this morning after a New York Times report said he may have violated House ethics rules.

The newspapers say that during his first term in office, the Republican gave taxpayer-funded jobs to his alleged mistress and his fiancée's daughter. Both are said to have worked in his district office.

In a statement to News 12, D'Esposito called the article a “partisan diatribe” and said his personal life never prevented him from delivering results to his constituents.

Political strategist Mike Dawidziak believes this report will not have much impact on voters.

“I have no problem with it, he was good for the district, he was good for the city, he was a good congressman, he has my support,” said Charlie Hohmann of Island Park.

The report comes just six weeks before Election Day, as the congressman finds himself in a neck-and-neck race for re-election, battling for his seat against Democrat Lauren Gillen.