
The party drug cocktail is endangering more and more lives

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A synthetic drug cocktail known as “pink cocaine” has quickly become a major problem in Spain, the UK and elsewhere. Earlier this month, Spanish authorities carried out their biggest ever raid on synthetic drugs, seizing a large quantity of “pink cocaine” and more than a million ecstasy pills. The operation targeted drug networks in Ibiza and Malaga.

This dangerous substance has been linked to a growing number of drug-related deaths. Pink Cocaine's unpredictable composition and rising popularity have prompted calls from European drug harm reduction organisations to take urgent action to address the risks it poses.

Despite its name, pink cocaine does not necessarily contain cocaine. Instead, it is often a mixture of several other substances, including MDMA, ketamine, and 2C-B. MDMA, commonly known as ecstasy, is a stimulant with psychedelic properties, while ketamine is a powerful anesthetic with sedative and hallucinogenic effects. 2C drugs are classified as psychedelics, but can also have stimulant effects.

Pink cocaine is usually available in powder or pill form and is known for its bright color, which is intended to increase its visual appeal. It is colored with food coloring and sometimes with strawberry or other flavorings.

The original psychedelic form of the drug dates back to 1974 and was first synthesized by American biochemist Alexander Shulgin. However, the modern variant emerged in Colombia around 2010 and is a counterfeit version.

The drug was very popular in the Latin American party scene and has now spread to Europe as well. The common names for pink cocaine vary greatly, from “cocaina rosada” and “tuci” to “Venus” and “Eros”.

Russian Roulette

Today's pink cocaine is an unpredictable mix of substances, and therein lies much of its danger. Users often expect a stimulant similar to cocaine, but the addition of ketamine can lead to serious health risks. Abuse of ketamine, which is widely used as a party drug, can lead to unconsciousness or dangerous respiratory distress, which in turn increases the potential dangers of pink cocaine.

Its aesthetic appearance and status as a “designer drug” have contributed to its appeal, particularly among young people and first-time users. This reflects the historical appeal of drugs such as cocaine and MDMA. It underscores an ongoing trend where certain substances are glorified despite their risks.

Experts compare taking pink cocaine to playing Russian roulette when using drugs, highlighting the unpredictable and dangerous nature of pink cocaine.

The drug has spread beyond Ibiza to the UK, and there is evidence that it has gained popularity in Scotland, parts of Wales and England. Across the Atlantic, the drug's availability has also increased in New York City.

Health authorities across Europe are alarmed. Pink cocaine is difficult to detect using conventional drug tests, especially in Spain, where current testing is not yet adequate to identify all of its components.

Warning to the British about the party drug “Russian Roulette”: Pink Cocaine. Source: ITV News.

The drug sells for about $100 per gram (£76) in Spain and is often marketed as a luxury product. Legal responses vary, and Spanish authorities are working to curb distribution.

In the UK, pink cocaine is covered by the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, which classifies drugs into three categories based on their perceived dangerousness: Class A, B and C. While pink cocaine itself is not explicitly listed, the substances commonly found in it are covered by the law. Both MDMA and 2C-B are Class A drugs, while ketamine is a Class B drug.

Damage reduction

One of the most pressing needs highlighted by the rise of pink cocaine is the provision of accessible drug testing services. Drug testing kits are an important harm reduction tool for people who want to test the substances they plan to consume. These kits can help users identify unknown components and provide a layer of protection in a high-risk environment.

My own work shows how important such harm reduction services are. Public education campaigns and support services are also an important part of harm reduction.

The growing popularity of pink cocaine is a stark example of the ever-changing landscape of illicit drugs, where aesthetics, social media trends and risky behavior can combine to create new threats. While the pink color and “designer” label may attract a younger audience, the unpredictable cocktail of chemicals it contains poses a serious and growing danger.

As pink cocaine continues to spread in Europe and beyond, it is crucial that authorities, health services and the public are equipped to manage the risks associated with it.

Provided by The Conversation

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Quote: Pink Cocaine: The Party Drug Cocktail That Is Putting More and More Lives at Risk (2024, September 24) accessed on September 24, 2024 by

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