
Chula Vista woman makes ‘miraculous’ recovery after e-bike accident and blood clot

CHULA VISTA, Calif. (KGTV) – Family members of a Chula Vista e-bike accident victim are calling her recovery from a blood clot “miraculous.”

Almost two weeks ago, I told you about 28-year-old Farrah Camu, who suffered severe brain damage, believed to be the result of a blood clot and an e-bike accident.

Now we are following her recovery.

Frank Camu spoke to me almost two weeks ago when his sister Farrah was fighting for her life in an intensive care unit.

Farrah's boyfriend, Johnny Martin, also spoke to me that day.

“She was lying on the floor behind me holding her knee,” Martin said.

He described her e-bike crash on a trail in Mammoth Lakes, the stitches she received in her knee, and the nightmare twelve days later when she was admitted to the emergency room in Chula Vista because a blood clot had traveled from her knee to her heart and she suffered a cardiac arrest that lasted for seven minutes.

In the days that followed, the news was not good.

“She was acting up and having a series of seizures,” Camu said. “The EEG showed abnormal brain activity. All signs pointed to severe brain damage and that she would not recover.”

About a week ago, while Farrah's family members were keeping vigil, something remarkable happened.

“She was still intubated. I started reading her get-well cards. She started laughing with her eyes,” Camu said.

It was a sign of hope.

A few days later there was another one.

“She looked at us and cheered with her hands. She said, 'Hi Francis.' She whispered it. A huge relief, I knew it was her. No one calls me by my full name except my family,” Camu said.

Since then, the Farrah he knew has returned.

From her whispered words to her familiar laugh, Camu loves to hear it all.

His sister's recovery surprised doctors at Kaiser Permanente San Diego Medical Center, where she is currently being treated.

“They said it was a miracle. Time and age are on her side,” Camu said. “She is 100% herself.”

When Camu asked his sister what she had dreamed about, she said the following.

“This may sound very trite, but she said she saw Jesus and angels while she was programming for seven minutes. I'm not the biggest believer, but I know she got through it,” Camu said.

Strong in her faith, Farrah's road to recovery will be long and take over a year.

“I'm grateful. She jokes. Just inspiring,” Camu said.

A Gofundme campaign has been set up to help Farrah with medical and other expenses.

On September 30th, a benefit concert for musician Farrah will take place at the Mission Bay Resort.