
Jimmy Kimmel brings out his wife to respond to Trump's insults at a rally

In March of this year, Jimmy Kimmel hosted the Oscars and one of the millions of viewers who watched the event live was Donald Trump, who delivered his famous rant while the ceremony was being broadcast on Truth Social.

“Has there ever been a WORSE HOST than Jimmy Kimmel at the Oscars?” Trump complained.

Six months later, Trump still seems upset about Kimmel's performance as Oscar host. At a rally in Indiana on Monday night, Trump said, “Jimmy Kimmel was the worst host in the history of the Academy Awards. He's one of the dumbest people ever. Such a moron.”

“Isn't that sweet? He's confusing me with one of his sons again,” Kimmel responded in his monologue on Tuesday.

Kimmel added, “Do you think he's flirting with me? What's going on? When I die, I want this to be the clip that's shown during the 'In Memoriam' montage at the Emmys.”

“He even brought my wife in there,” Kimmel said, referring to Trump's statement at his rally that Kimmel's wife, Molly McNearney, had begged Kimmel not to read Trump's piece on stage during the event. McNearney is editor-in-chief of Jimmy Kimmel Live! and was a writer and producer of the 2024 Oscars.

“Should I be worried that Trump has mentioned my wife more often than his own at his rallies this year?” Kimmel joked. Shortly afterward, he invited McNearney on stage so she could give her own response to Trump's comments.

“I'm glad I have your attention,” McNearney told Trump, “because one in three women in this country currently lives under an abortion ban because you have packed our Supreme Court. Thanks to you, women in 21 states cannot make decisions about their own lives and their own bodies. And 10 states make no exceptions for rape or incest.”

McNearney continued: “The party you lead so greatly and so wonderfully, the party that cares so much about motherhood, just blocked a bill that would protect our access to IVF. Women are dying and good doctors are giving up because they cannot source or provide the reproductive care that women desperately need. So my advice to you is: shut up and walk away.”

“Go to Mar-a-Lago,” she urged. “Spend all day cheating at golf and masturbating to Newsmax, and leave it all to a competent woman.”