
Letters: Higgins' attack on EPA director is unscrupulous | Opinion

Republican U.S. Representative Clay Higgins of Louisiana recently used his position of power as a member of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee to attack U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Director Michael S. Regan.

His emotional outburst showcases a whole host of grievances that the Conservatives now carry on their shoulders like a sack of rotten potatoes. For example, Higgins said: “We are getting an agenda-driven Green New Deal, an anti-American, anti-American energy, anti-American petrochemicals agenda, imposed by a government that claims it is doing this to protect the ecological stability of the world.”

Higgins has resurrected the spirit of Senator Joe McCarthy, America's notorious “communist hunter.”

McCarthy's career can be summed up in a remark made in a speech in West Virginia: “The State Department is infested with Communists. I have here in my hand a list of 205 Communists – a list of names known to the Secretary of State as members of the Communist Party who still work in the State Department.”

Similarly, Higgins makes baseless accusations against Regan.

Higgins is part of a wave of conspiracy theories that ignore the dangers of global warming. Higgins will not have to bear the burden of his ignorance – his grandchildren and great-grandchildren will reap the consequences of his greed, his ignorance and his refusal to accept the truth.

He and his fellow climate change deniers will one day be forced to stand before the eyes of the world and be held accountable for their reckless denial of climate change and endangering the life of all species on our planet.