
It's supermoon season. What the next four full moons will bring

There are some significant astrological events taking place through 2024, including a series of simultaneous supermoons and eclipses. Between now and November, observers of the cosmos can observe a series of supermoons – larger and brighter full moons that amplify the energetic effects of a full moon. This also coincides with eclipse season, which brings its own endings and beginnings to watch for. How will “supermoon season” affect you?

What is a supermoon?

A supermoon occurs when the full moon orbits closer to Earth—more specifically, when it is less than 360,000 km from Earth. This phenomenon brings the moon about 21,000 km closer than the moon's usual distance from us, making it appear much larger and brighter than usual—exactly 5.8% larger and 12.8% brighter, according to Starwalk. Astrologers also believe that the supermoon's effects on us can be similarly intense. “It's essentially supercharged, so it can affect your sleep quality and energy levels,” explains astrologer Kristy Gray.

When are the supermoons in 2024?

This year there will be four supermoons between August and November. The dates for the 2024 supermoon are:

August 19 – The Sturgeon Moon
September 17-18 – The Harvest Moon
October 17 – The Hunter’s Moon
November 15 – The Beaver Moon

What do the supermoons mean?

Meaning of the Supermoon of August 19 (Sturgeon Moon)

This full moon was all about change. It was in the sign of Aquarius and was meant to decide who and what to put your energy into. However, astrologer Natasha Weber noted that this moon brought difficult energies and events that could change direction in an instant. Fun fact: This was also a “blue moon,” which describes the phenomenon of having two full moons in one calendar month. A blue moon occurs once every 33 months, or about every 2-3 years.

Meaning of the Supermoon of September 17 (Harvest Moon)

September's Full Moon in Pisces is a partial lunar eclipse. Eclipses and full moons in general tend to bring closure. Since Pisces is a water sign, you might experience some deep movement in your emotional life or along the themes of the “house” that Pisces occupies in your birth chart. Whatever the path, it might feel a little intense during this time of healing and release.

The partial solar eclipse also marks the beginning of a new eclipse season. The previous eclipses occurred along the Aries-Libra axis (of which we will have one more after this Pisces moon), but this is the first to mark a new series of eclipses in the Pisces-Virgo region of the sky. This Pisces eclipse is a taste of what could happen in your life in 2025 if these eclipses continue.

“It's a preview of the next 18 months, and relationships will be at the heart of it, especially for people with the signs of Virgo or Pisces,” explains astrologer Emma Vidgen.

If you want an idea of ​​what to expect, consider what was going on in your life during the last Pisces eclipse in September 2016.

Meaning of the Supermoon of October 17 (Hunter’s Moon)

October's full moon is in Aries, which means it's all about being bold. Despite the urge to follow your impulses, however, make a little pros and cons list before giving in to that wild, fiery energy. This moon opposes a sun in Libra, which could also create tension between assertiveness (Aries energy) and willingness to compromise (Libra). Tread carefully, but trust your gut.

Meaning of the Supermoon of November 15 (Beaver Moon)

The final supermoon of the year is in Taurus, bringing focus to our physical selves. You may feel physically empowered by the sensual themes of this moon, and it's a good time to show yourself some love and self-care that nourishes your body. This is one of the more pleasurable astrological features, so make sure you tune into your physical needs and make an effort to indulge them.

So this is your supermoon season. But stay alert because September and October eclipse season is just around the corner…

Read the original article in ELLE Australia